Synapse (binary executable) never worked for me on either Win 98SE or Win XP.
So, if you have 1132b, how time needing to turn ON or OFF a modul with your software ?
You're limited to 12 lamp modules then. Using the CM15A to execute macros may be slower than sending the command directly - you'll have to try it to find out.
Yes, I tried 2 months ago, and it very slow.... 3 seconds for a Macro !
Today, with CM15A for receive RF signal and with CM11A to sent to powerLine, I obtain 1.200sec
If I decide to use the AllLightsOn method, I obtain .600ms for each command
If you are so concerned about speed, you probably need to investigate other technologies.
Too late... I bought 400$ of (8)MS14A, LM465(15), SS13A(10), and others module (Probably tha I will regret my choice of X10 and my purchase) ...
All RF controller are fast, under 50ms ! I have many MS14A in many rooms.
I want able to disable any MS14A while a day, sleeping time or others periods.
I want that a light turn ON fastly when I'm to introduce in a room !
I want to define each SS13A like this:
- First button to turn ON ON a lamp
- Second Button to able or disable a MS14A
- Third Button to Preset a DIM function, or other macro !
- Fourth Button, Ignore DIM/Bright function and create Macro to others function !
As you can read, I want that all modules work with Macros.
But maybe your idea about 1132b could be a best, but I want know his exact speed before to buy !
If anyone have a 1132b (or any 1132 model) and can tell us about a delay that our software needing to turn ON or OFF, you are welcome
