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Author Topic: Re: Welcome to the MyHouse Online Forum! [2 of 6]  (Read 59396 times)


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Re: Welcome to the MyHouse Online Forum! [2 of 6]
« on: December 05, 2005, 06:05:47 PM »

I get the ntasysconnclosed message on a win <BR>xp machine which also I could not attach to <BR>vangaurd remote software. I can connect with <BR>another Win xp machine. But I can not run the <BR>server on either xp machine. I run it on <BR>win2000 ok. I hoped it would work with <BR>myhouse. The server seems to work fine. but <BR>the remote on the xpmachine that works has <BR>some intermittant problems. when I hit zoom <BR>sometimes it acts like it sticks and multiple <BR>zooms arrive at the server. also on the pan <BR>ups. Also the video stops on the remote. When <BR>I do something on the server (move, pan, etc) <BR>it will start sending the video again. the <BR>status on the remote seems to keep on working <BR>when activity on/off happens ,but the video <BR>stops coming to the remote. hitting control <BR>on the server seems to unstick the video <BR>stream. hope you can get all the bugs out. <BR>love the software, but wish it would work for <BR>me a little better.

Welcome to the MyHouse Online Forum! [1 of 6]

Re: Welcome to the MyHouse Online Forum! [3 of 6]

Re: Welcome to the MyHouse Online Forum! [4 of 6]

Re: Welcome to the MyHouse Online Forum! [5 of 6]

Re: Welcome to the MyHouse Online Forum! [6 of 6]

[TTA Edit: Experiment to determine whether or not SPLITTING 'Highly-Viewed' / 'Highly-Replied' but currently

INACTIVE threads from LONG, LONG AGO (I'm starting with ~2 years) into parts will allow current

ACTIVE threads to appear in the Top 10 Topics (by Replies) section of the

Statistics Center (aka More Stats) Page.

NOTE: I *WILL* address the <BR> problem...]
« Last Edit: April 19, 2007, 11:58:09 PM by TakeTheActive »

X10 Pro

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Re: Welcome to the MyHouse Online forum!
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2005, 06:17:41 PM »

Richard: Thanks for letting us know about the
problems you're having. I'm sure we'll be
able to resolve them. I want to make sure
that I understand everything in your post.

You have three computers you have tried with
MyHouse Online, two running Windows XP, and
one running Windows 2000. You cannot connect
the MyHouse Remote to an AHP/MyHouse system
using one of the XP computers (you get the
ntasysconnclosed message in the status
window), but are able to connect with the
other XP computer. When you connect the
Remote Client on the XP computer that works,
the camera control isn't great.

You cannot connect to the MyHouse service
from either installation of the AHP/MyHouse
(server) on the XP computers, but you can can
use AHP/MyHouse on the Windows 2000 computer.

Is all that right? Are all of these computers
on the same network and using the same
Internet connection? What Internet security
or firewall software do you have running on
them? For the Remote Client on XP that
doesn't connect, have you tried re-entering
the System ID? When you try to get the
AHP/MyHouse server connection working on your
XP computers, is the connection still likve
on the Windows 2000 computer?


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Re: Welcome to the MyHouse Online forum!
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2005, 09:17:32 PM »

thanks for answering so quick. I left work
and am home now. I have a nework at home
with win2000 running as a server. I have
only got 1 crash on server since install.
got some memory can't be accessed error. but
it has run for about three days without any
problems at all on the server. I have a xp
pro workstation on home network also and it
connects as a remote, but will not transmit
out as a server. As a server, it works ok
except for remote connection. as a remote it
connects ok, but has the intermittant
problems I spoke of. sticking on pans or
zooms. then quits responding to commands. I
can still see all the commands on the status
monitor that I see on the server status
monitor. when I hit a command on the server,
it seems to break out and start sending
video again. these are the same symptoms I
see from work on the xp pro machine that
works ok there. it just quits and then
starts again if I let it sit there, or
disconnect and sometimes on a reconnect it
works again. but at home I can see server
and remote and hit something on the server
to kick it loose.


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Re: Welcome to the MyHouse Online forum!
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2005, 09:20:08 PM »

Also I tried to renter the remote id on the
xp pro that doesn't work as a remote, but it
did not help. I am running mcafee suite with
it, and the xp pro that works is running
only mcafee virus software.


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Re: Welcome to the MyHouse Online forum!
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2005, 12:26:57 PM »

I got the xp pro pc to work as the server at
home. It will keep getting the closed
message, but I connected on a client and then
the server connected. I tried this twice. On
the xp pro at work I still get the sticky pan
up/down zooms. My development machine still
will not connect as a client. I will try it
as a server at some point. I would like to
figure out why I can't get it to work. I
would like to use it via sdk remotely if
possible. I have used the sdk on it for home
pro only before.

X10 Pro

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Re: Welcome to the MyHouse Online forum!
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2005, 12:43:57 PM »

Richard: Are you sharing your Internet
connection throught the Windows 2000 server?
If not, how is the connection to the Internet
shared between the three computers? On the XP
computer with the McAfee suite, is there any
logging that tells you about connections
being attempted or blocked? If you
temporarily disable it can you make a remote
connection on that PC?


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Re: Welcome to the MyHouse Online forum!
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2005, 12:56:49 PM »

currently at home, network is dsl. I am
running on the xp pro as a server and it
appears to work ok controling everything from
there. I am at work and the vanilla xp pro
connects as  client and works except the
sticky pan ups/downs and zooms. My
development machine will not connect as a
client. I disabled the firewall but no help.
I have used it for sdk inpast with active
home only ok. but the comm part won't work.

X10 Pro

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Re: Welcome to the MyHouse Online forum!
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2005, 01:06:30 PM »

Could you send a screen shot of the MyHouse
Status window on your development machine
showing the connection problem? E-mail
address is


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Re: Welcome to the MyHouse Online forum!
« Reply #8 on: December 06, 2005, 01:19:34 PM »

its on its way.


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Re: Welcome to the MyHouse Online forum!
« Reply #9 on: December 06, 2005, 02:37:34 PM »

i noticed that the pan and tilt sticks as
well. what's up with that?


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Re: Welcome to the MyHouse Online forum!
« Reply #10 on: December 08, 2005, 12:32:55 PM »

saw and loaded updates from internet. still
have sticky pans.

joe s

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Re: Welcome to the MyHouse Online forum!
« Reply #11 on: December 08, 2005, 02:23:01 PM »

Installed the AHP update today and have not
been able to connect to myHouse from my
remote or server since. Is the system down ?


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Re: Welcome to the MyHouse Online forum!
« Reply #12 on: December 08, 2005, 02:46:03 PM »

I used it all morning. It would continually
drop out the client, but come right back. At
11:30 it cut off the server and hasn't got
back in since.


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Re: Welcome to the MyHouse Online forum!
« Reply #13 on: December 08, 2005, 02:46:23 PM »

Dowloaded update and have not been able to
connect since.

X10 Pro

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Re: Welcome to the MyHouse Online forum!
« Reply #14 on: December 08, 2005, 04:09:44 PM »

I'm checking this out now.
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