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Author Topic: Timers don't always work, manual settings always do work  (Read 38291 times)


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Timers don't always work, manual settings always do work
« on: May 24, 2007, 10:05:25 AM »

I've seen it posted a few times that timers sometimes don't go off with the old CM11a.  I have the same problem, that some timers with some devices are inconsistant; this occurs whether or not the software and communications link are open or closed.  The reason I'm still confused is because these devices always work 100% when I turn them on/off manually (without a timer) using the software.  So I'm assuming that the communication through the serial port is fine, and because the communication seems to be fine, I'm reluctant to upgrade to the CM15, as I'm not convinced that it will solve the problem.  Is this a software issue (I'm using the old 1.42 version software)?  Any suggestions for troubleshooting?


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Re: Timers don't always work, manual settings always do work
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2007, 10:18:24 AM »

If the timer issue is the only reason for not upgrading to the CM15A then stick with the CM11A. There are many members here that use both controllers and some that still only use the CM11A. I'm Sure someone will have a suggestion for you!
However you may wish to take advantage of one of the package deals for ActiveHome Pro which includes all the plug-insas well as the Cm15A and will allow future expansion to your setup! ;) :D ;D
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Re: Timers don't always work, manual settings always do work
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2008, 07:50:03 AM »

I have just come back to X10 and have the same problem has there been a reply to this post giving a solution, I think it must be something easy which I'm missing

I've seen it posted a few times that timers sometimes don't go off with the old CM11a.  I have the same problem, that some timers with some devices are inconsistant; this occurs whether or not the software and communications link are open or closed.  The reason I'm still confused is because these devices always work 100% when I turn them on/off manually (without a timer) using the software.  So I'm assuming that the communication through the serial port is fine, and because the communication seems to be fine, I'm reluctant to upgrade to the CM15, as I'm not convinced that it will solve the problem.  Is this a software issue (I'm using the old 1.42 version software)?  Any suggestions for troubleshooting?


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Re: Timers don't always work, manual settings always do work
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2008, 08:19:54 AM »

I have just picked up the posts from quilpole and axgupta1 it's the same problem.


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Re: Timers don't always work, manual settings always do work
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2008, 10:21:25 AM »

jomo1234 since this software is old and X10 has stopped distributing the CM11A I wouldn't expect a fix from them!
As a suggestion try one of the other HomeAutomation software packages out there there are many !
As for not wishing to Upgrade to the CM15A, your missing out on some very cool HomeAutomation possibilities even with out using the free included software!
The CM15A far out performs the CM11A (few will disagree) ;)
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Re: Timers don't always work, manual settings always do work
« Reply #5 on: November 25, 2008, 11:29:20 AM »

Up til now they weren't available here in UK but I think they are, just this month, will have a look, thanks for your help.


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Re: Timers don't always work, manual settings always do work
« Reply #6 on: November 25, 2008, 12:49:47 PM »

I know they have a European version of the CM15 as well as AHP software version available on the internet for some months now!
If you have problems finding one post back someone will supply you with a link! ;)
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Re: Timers don't always work, manual settings always do work
« Reply #7 on: November 25, 2008, 02:16:06 PM »

jomo1234 reading the forums I found this link
It suggests that the European version of AHP will work with the CM11!
Give it a test to see! If it does indeed work you can save your self some money!
If it doesn't at least you'll be familiar with the software for when you get the CM15 ::) :'
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Re: Timers don't always work, manual settings always do work
« Reply #8 on: November 26, 2008, 09:49:32 AM »

Tuicemen thanks, tried that but AHP won't pick up the CM11 thro' the USB serial connection, keeps denying it, and can't see a way to program it to recognise the existing connection from the setup.


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Re: Timers don't always work, manual settings always do work
« Reply #9 on: November 26, 2008, 11:27:33 AM »

Sorry to hear that!
Thought maybe the European version would have some added code to watch for the CM11E even with out using a USB addaptor plug! :(
Thanks for testing now we know!  #:)
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Re: Timers don't always work, manual settings always do work
« Reply #10 on: November 27, 2008, 08:45:08 AM »

I've managed to program appliance modules on the cm11 so think it's the way I'm setting up the light modules with brightness settings which is causing my problem they are not signalling the device properly through the cm11 eeprom but work fine when I operate direct. The eeprom instruction is :
Time On Macrow:
Delay 0:00, 1 element
A6 Brighten first then Dim 000%
Time Off Macro:
Delay 0:00, 1 element
A6 Off
If the lamp is on this turns it off but if its off won't turn it on
Can you help at all. Thanks again


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Re: Timers don't always work, manual settings always do work
« Reply #11 on: November 27, 2008, 09:22:34 AM »

I've managed to program appliance modules on the cm11 so think it's the way I'm setting up the light modules with brightness settings which is causing my problem they are not signalling the device properly through the cm11 eeprom but work fine when I operate direct. The eeprom instruction is :
Time On Macrow:
Delay 0:00, 1 element
A6 Brighten first then Dim 000%
Time Off Macro:
Delay 0:00, 1 element
A6 Off
If the lamp is on this turns it off but if its off won't turn it on
Can you help at all. Thanks again


I believe that's actually good news.  It sounds like the CM11a is using different command set to turn your lamp on when operating via timer.  If this were a CM15a, there are many people who could guide you to correct the situation.

Unfortunately, many of us here in the states converted from the Cm11a to the CM15a long ago.  As a result, I (we) have forgotten many of the tips and tricks of the CM11a software.

What I believe is happening is that your CM11a is issuing a "Bright 100%" command to turn you lamps on.  This is actually a long string of "Bright" commands that some modules do not like.  What modules are you using?

The CM15a has an option under "preferences" to issue a simple ON command in place of the Bright 100% command.  I don't remember whether this option exists within the CM11a software.  Have a look.

If you wish to test the timer theory, you could re-identify your lamp modules as appliance modules.  This will force simple on/off commands in the timer interface.

The CM15a software also allows you to create timed macros - I'm not sure if the CM11a provides this feature.  If so, another workaround would be to issue a simple ON followed by the dim command-

Macro A1 ON
Set Module A6 ON  (issue simple on command)
Set Module A6 Bright 60% (dim the lamp to 60%)

Other questions -
1) What modules are you using with the CM11a?
2) Do your dimmer modules have the soft-start feature?
3) Does the ActiveHome software provide an activity monitor (X10 log of incoming/outgoing signals)?

You're correct that the CM11a should be able to handle this simple timer schedule.  Once you get things working, you'll be in a better position to decide if you want the upgrade to the CM15a.  One of the nice features of the CM15a software is the Smartmacros (conditional if/then/else).


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Re: Timers don't always work, manual settings always do work
« Reply #12 on: November 28, 2008, 06:33:18 AM »

I've managed to program appliance modules on the cm11 so think it's the way I'm setting up the light modules with brightness settings which is causing my problem they are not signalling the device properly through the cm11 eeprom but work fine when I operate direct. The eeprom instruction is :
Time On Macrow:
Delay 0:00, 1 element
A6 Brighten first then Dim 000%
Time Off Macro:
Delay 0:00, 1 element
A6 Off
If the lamp is on this turns it off but if its off won't turn it on
Can you help at all. Thanks again

X-10's new design "Soft start" WS467 Wall Dimmer can't be turned on from the off state with a Dim/Bright signal as could the original design - it first requires an On signal.  Your European lamp module is likely to be similar.  A solution often recommended for the USA models is to program them instead as a LM14A 2-way module.  I'm sure there is a European equivalent to the LM14A but can't tell you what it is.

(If you are not interested in dimming the lamp, just program it instead as an appliance module.)

Yesterday it worked.
Today it doesn't work.
X10 on Windows is like that.

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Re: Timers don't always work, manual settings always do work
« Reply #13 on: November 28, 2008, 11:24:50 AM »

Hi Guys manythanks for the comments. When I first posted I said coming back to X10 but didn't say how long ago so the equipment is not the latest ,Lamp Module LM565, Appliance Module AM 7466. And yes you have the problem identified, it's the brighten instruction which the units don't like coming from the cm11 program but I assume the direct on is just that, an on instruction. I have run the timers with Active Home using appliance modules and it works fine. The communications log shows A6 A6 On when sent direct, but shows A6 A Dim 4% when sent through the timer will keep working at it it's become an interesting problem in it's own right. But yes I can solve the problem of control by identitying Lamps as Appliances. Many thanks

Charles Sullivan

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Re: Timers don't always work, manual settings always do work
« Reply #14 on: November 28, 2008, 01:00:29 PM »

Hi Guys manythanks for the comments. When I first posted I said coming back to X10 but didn't say how long ago so the equipment is not the latest ,Lamp Module LM565, Appliance Module AM 7466. And yes you have the problem identified, it's the brighten instruction which the units don't like coming from the cm11 program but I assume the direct on is just that, an on instruction. I have run the timers with Active Home using appliance modules and it works fine. The communications log shows A6 A6 On when sent direct, but shows A6 A Dim 4% when sent through the timer will keep working at it it's become an interesting problem in it's own right. But yes I can solve the problem of control by identitying Lamps as Appliances. Many thanks

Very strange...  If your lamp module is more than about 2 years old, a Dim signal when the module is Off should first turn it On to full brightness and then Dim from that point.  I'm wondering if the module is defective.

Do Dims and Brights seem to work correctly if the module is already On and/or dimmed?

Yesterday it worked.
Today it doesn't work.
X10 on Windows is like that.

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