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Author Topic: Google Remote, Max10  (Read 57971 times)


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Re: Google Remote, Max10
« Reply #15 on: July 26, 2007, 02:48:59 PM »

- <xml>
- <rfhiddrv weightreqd="10">
- <!--  Must have rfhiddrv as a subkey
- <!--  Each app is recognized by a combination of starting .EXE, top-level window class, top-level title, or a substring of the top-level title
- <!--  To find an app, sum up all the weights, and the highest weight app (if over weightreqd) is deemed active
- <!--  Incoming RF keys are mapped according to code (numeric) and state (on/off/repeat)
- <!--  Sent keys are windows virtual key codes, with modifiers to send CTRL, ALT, or SHIFT or a second key (use ctrl, alt, or shift attributes and set to 1) or set second to virtual key code
- <!--  Can use senda for alphanumeric keys instead of send
- <!--  These keys will never be sent since the app weight is too low
- <app name="Example">
  <appexe name="" weight="0" />
  <appclass name="" weight="0" />
  <apptitle name="" weight="0" />
  <apptitlesearch name="" weight="0" />
- <keys>
- <!--  Sends CTRL-ALT-SHIFT-F1-F2 on RF key down
  <key code="string" state="on" send="0x70" ctrl="1" alt="1" shift="1" second="0x71" />
- <!--  Sends space and repeats while the RF key is held down
  <key code="string" state="on" send="0x20" />
  <key code="string" state="repeat" send="0x20" />
- <!--  Sends 'CTRL-a' on key down, App command name is 'A Menu"
  <key name="A Menu" code="string" senda="a" ctrl="1" />
- <app name="WinAmp">
  <appexe name="winamp.exe" weight="200" />
  <appclass name="Winamp v1.x" weight="20" />
  <apptitle name="Winamp 5.1" weight="20" />
  <apptitlesearch name="Winamp" weight="20" />
- <keys>
  <key name="Play" code="Play" senda="x" />
  <key name="Pause" code="Pause" senda="c" />
  <key name="Stop" code="Stop" senda="v" />
  <key name="Previous" code="Rewind" senda="z" />
  <key name="Next" code="Forward" senda="b" />
  <key name="Start of List" code="ChannelUp" senda="z" ctrl="1" />
  <key name="End of List" code="ChannelDown" senda="b" ctrl="1" />
  <key name="Repeat" code="Display" senda="r" />
  <key name="Shuffle" code="Return" senda="s" />
  <key name="Toggle Time Display" code="ABSwitch" senda="t" ctrl="1" />
- <app name="RealPlayer">
  <appexe name="realplay.exe" weight="20" />
  <apptitle name="RealPlayer" weight="20" />
  <appclass name="GeminiWindowClass" weight="20" />
  <apptitlesearch name="RealPlayer" weight="20" />
- <keys>
  <key name="Play" code="Play" senda="p" ctrl="1" />
  <key name="Pause" code="Pause" senda="p" ctrl="1" />
  <key name="Stop" code="Stop" senda="s" ctrl="1" />
  <key name="Previous" code="Rewind" senda="r" ctrl="1" />
  <key name="Next" code="Forward" senda="t" ctrl="1" />
  <key name="Theater Mode" code="Display" send="0x78" />
  <key name="Normal Mode" code="Return" send="0x76" />
- <app name="Musicmatch Jukebox">
  <appexe name="mmjb.exe" weight="20" />
  <apptitle name="" weight="0" />
  <appclass name="MMJB:MAINWND" weight="20" />
  <apptitlesearch name="Musicmatch Jukebox" weight="20" />
- <keys>
  <key name="Play" code="Play" senda="p" ctrl="1" />
  <key name="Pause" code="Pause" send="0x13" />
  <key name="Stop" code="Stop" senda="s" ctrl="1" />
  <key name="Previous" code="Rewind" send="0x25" alt="1" />
  <key name="Next" code="Forward" send="0x27" alt="1" />
- <app name="RealRhapsody">
  <appexe name="Rhapsody.exe" weight="20" />
  <apptitle name="Rhapsody" weight="20" />
  <appclass name="TEST_WIN32WND" weight="20" />
  <apptitlesearch name="" weight="0" />
- <keys>
  <key name="Play" code="Play" senda="p" ctrl="1" />
  <key name="Pause" code="Pause" senda="p" ctrl="1" />
  <key name="Stop" code="Stop" senda="s" ctrl="1" />
  <key name="Previous Track" code="Rewind" senda="b" ctrl="1" />
  <key name="Next Track" code="Forward" senda="f" ctrl="1" />
  <key name="Shuffle" code="Display" senda="h" ctrl="1" />
  <key name="Repeat" code="Return" senda="t" ctrl="1" />
- <app name="Ulead DVD Player">
  <appexe name="DvdPlayer.exe" weight="20" />
  <apptitle name="Ulead DVD Player" weight="20" />
  <appclass name="#32770 (Dialog)" weight="20" />
  <apptitlesearch name="" weight="0" />
- <keys>
  <key name="Play" code="Play" send="0x0D" />
  <key name="Pause" code="Pause" send="0x20" />
  <key name="Stop" code="Stop" senda="S" />
  <key name="Step Backward" code="Rewind" send="0xBF" />
  <key name="Step Forward" code="Forward" send="0xBE" />
  <key name="Previous" code="ChannelUp" senda="p" />
  <key name="Next" code="ChannelDown" senda="n" />
  <key name="Subtitle" code="Display" senda="u" />
  <key name="Language Select" code="Return" senda="l" />
  <key name="DVD Menu" code="Menu" senda="r" shift="1" />
  <key name="Chapter Menu" code="Title" senda="c" shift="1" />
  <key name="Screen Toggle" code="ABSwitch" senda="w" />
- <app name="Intervideo WinDVD">
  <appexe name="WinDVD.exe" weight="20" />
  <apptitle name="InterVideo WinDVD 7" weight="20" />
  <appclass name="WinDVDClass" weight="20" />
  <apptitlesearch name="" weight="0" />
- <keys>
  <key name="Play" code="Play" send="0x0D" />
  <key name="Pause" code="Pause" send="0x20" />
  <key name="Stop" code="Stop" send="0x23" />
  <key name="Previous" code="ChannelUp" send="0x21" />
  <key name="Next" code="ChannelDown" send="0x22" />
  <key name="Chapter List" code="Display" senda="c" />
  <key name="Rew" code="Rewind" senda="r" />
  <key name="FF" code="Forward" senda="f" />
  <key name="DVD Menu" code="Menu" senda="m" ctrl="1" />
  <key name="Audio Select" code="Return" senda="a" />
  <key name="Toggle Full Screen" code="ABSwitch" senda="z" />
- <app name="nVidia nVDVD">


  • Jr. Member
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  • Posts: 23
Re: Google Remote, Max10
« Reply #16 on: July 26, 2007, 02:50:01 PM »

<appexe name="NvDvd.exe" weight="20" />
  <apptitle name="NVDVD" weight="20" />
  <appclass name="#32770 (Dialog)" weight="20" />
  <apptitlesearch name="" weight="0" />
- <keys>
  <key name="Play" code="Play" send="0x20" />
  <key name="Pause" code="Pause" send="0x20" />
  <key name="Previous" code="ChannelUp" send="0x21" />
  <key name="Next" code="ChannelDown" send="0x22" />
  <key name="DVD Menu" code="Menu" send="0x24" />
  <key name="Rew" code="Rewind" senda="r" />
  <key name="FF" code="Forward" senda="f" />
  <key name="Stop" code="Stop" send="0x23" />
  <key name="Full Screen Toggle" code="ABSwitch" send="0x0D" alt="1" />
- <app name="DivX Player">
  <appexe name="DivX Player.exe" weight="20" />
  <apptitle name="DivX Player 6.0" weight="20" />
  <appclass name="QWidget" weight="5" />
  <apptitlesearch name="" weight="0" />
- <keys>
  <key name="Play" code="Play" send="0x20" />
  <key name="Pause" code="Pause" send="0x20" />
  <key name="Stop" code="Stop" send="0x20" ctrl="1" />
  <key name="FF" code="Forward" send="0x27" ctrl="1" />
  <key name="Rew" code="Rewind" send="0x25" ctrl="1" />
  <key name="Fullscreen" code="ABSwitch" send="0x0D" alt="1" />
- <app name="QuickTime">
  <appexe name="QuickTimePlayer.exe" weight="20" />
  <apptitle name="" weight="0" />
  <appclass name="MPGenericPaneClass" weight="20" />
  <apptitlesearch name="Apple Quicktime" weight="20" />
- <keys>
  <key name="Play" code="Play" send="0x20" />
  <key name="Pause" code="Pause" send="0x20" />
  <key name="Step Forward" code="Forward" send="0x27" />
  <key name="Step Backward" code="Rewind" send="0x25" />
- <app name="ACDSee Viewer">
  <appexe name="ACDSee8.exe" weight="20" />
  <apptitle name="" weight="0" />
  <appclass name="Afx:00400000:0:00000000:01900015:00170291" weight="20" />
  <apptitlesearch name="ACDSee" weight="20" />
- <keys>
  <key name="Auto Slideshow" code="D" senda="s" ctrl="1" />
  <key name="Play" code="Play" senda="p" />
  <key name="Pause" code="Pause" senda="p" />
  <key name="Previous" code="Rewind" send="0x25" />
  <key name="Next" code="Forward" send="0x27" />
  <key name="Exit Slideshow" code="Stop" send="0x1B" />
- <app name="Corel Photo Album">
  <appexe name="Photo Album 6.exe" weight="20" />
  <apptitle name="" weight="0" />
  <appclass name="ImageExpertClass6" weight="20" />
  <apptitlesearch name="Corel Photo Album" weight="20" />
- <keys>
  <key name="Quick Slideshow" code="D" senda="w" ctrl="1" />
  <key name="Next" code="Forward" send="0x27" />
  <key name="Previous" code="Rewind" send="0x25" />
  <key name="Exit Slideshow" code="Stop" send="0x1B" />
- <app name="Ulead Photo Explorer">
  <appexe name="Pex.exe" weight="20" />
  <apptitle name="" weight="0" />
  <appclass name="EPHOTO_PEX_CLASS" weight="20" />
  <apptitlesearch name="Ulead Photo Explorer" weight="20" />
- <keys>
  <key name="Next" code="Forward" send="0x27" />
  <key name="Previous" code="Rewind" send="0x25" />
  <key name="First Slide" code="ChannelUp" send="0x24" />
  <key name="Last Slide" code="ChannelDown" send="0x23" />
  <key name="Play" code="Play" senda="p" />
  <key name="Pause" code="Pause" senda="p" />
  <key name="Exit" code="Stop" send="0x1B" />
- <app name="Picasa2">
  <appexe name="Picasa2.exe" weight="20" />
  <apptitle name="Picasa2" weight="20" />
  <appclass name="ytWindow" weight="20" />
  <apptitlesearch name="Picasa2" weight="20" />
- <keys>
  <key name="Slideshow" code="ABSwitch" senda="4" ctrl="1" />
  <key name="Play" code="Play" send="0x20" />
  <key name="Pause" code="Pause" send="0x20" />
  <key name="Next" code="Forward" send="0x27" />
  <key name="Previous" code="Rewind" send="0x25" />
  <key name="Exit" code="Stop" send="0x1B" />
- <app name="Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition">
  <appexe name="Photoshop Album Starter Edition.exe" weight="20" />
  <apptitle name="" weight="0" />
  <appclass name="QWidget" weight="5" />
  <apptitlesearch name="Adobe Photoshop Album Starter" weight="20" />
- <keys>
  <key name="Slideshow" code="ABSwitch" send="0x7A" />
  <key name="Play" code="Play" send="0x74" />
  <key name="Pause" code="Pause" send="0x74" />
  <key name="Next" code="Forward" send="0x27" />
  <key name="Previous" code="Rewind" send="0x25" />
  <key name="Exit" code="Stop" send="0x1B" />
- <app name="WinTV2000">
  <appexe name="WinTV2K.exe" weight="20" />
  <apptitle name="WinTV32" weight="20" />
  <appclass name="WinTV_32" weight="20" />
  <apptitlesearch name="" weight="0" />
- <keys>
  <key name="Channel Up" code="ChannelUp" send="0xBB" />
  <key name="Channel Down" code="ChannelDown" send="0xBD" />
  <key name="Toggle TV Mode" code="ABSwitch" senda="t" ctrl="1" />
  <key name="Freeze Image" code="Pause" senda="f" ctrl="1" />
- <app name="Internet Explorer">
  <appexe name="iexplore.exe" weight="20" />
  <apptitle name="" weight="0" />
  <appclass name="IEFrame" weight="20" />
  <apptitlesearch name="Microsoft Internet Explorer" weight="20" />
- <keys>
  <key name="Home Page" code="Display" send="0x24" alt="1" />
  <key name="Back" code="Rewind" send="0xA6" />
  <key name="Forward" code="Forward" send="0xA7" />
  <key name="Favorite Pane" code="Return" senda="i" ctrl="1" />
  <key name="End of Page" code="ChannelDown" send="0x23" />
  <key name="Shortcut Menu for link" code="Menu" send="0x79" shift="1" />
- <app name="Windows Media Player">
  <appexe name="wmplayer.exe" weight="20" />
  <apptitle name="Windows Media Player" weight="20" />
  <appclass name="WMPlayerApp" weight="20" />
  <apptitlesearch name="" weight="0" />
- <keys>
  <key name="Previous Track" code="ChannelUp" send="0xB1" />
  <key name="Next Track" code="ChannelDown" send="0xB0" />
- <app name="iTunes">
  <appexe name="iTunes.exe" weight="20" />
  <apptitle name="iTunes" weight="20" />
  <appclass name="iTunes" weight="20" />
  <apptitlesearch name="" weight="0" />
- <keys>
  <key name="Previous Track" code="ChannelUp" send="0xB1" />
  <key name="Next Track" code="ChannelDown" send="0xB0" />
- <app name="PowerDVD">
  <appexe name="PowerDVD.exe" weight="20" />
  <apptitle name="PowerDVD" weight="20" />
  <appclass name="Class of CyberLink Universal Player" weight="20" />
  <apptitlesearch name="" weight="0" />
- <keys>
  <key name="Previous Chapter" code="ChannelUp" send="0xB1" />
  <key name="Next Chapter" code="ChannelDown" send="0xB0" />
- <app name="PowerPoint">
  <appexe name="POWERPNT.EXE" weight="20" />
  <apptitle name="" weight="0" />
  <appclass name="IEFrame" weight="20" />
  <apptitlesearch name="Microsoft PowerPoint" weight="20" />
- <keys>
  <key name="Start Slideshow" code="Play" send="0x74" />
  <key name="End Slideshow" code="Stop" send="0x1B" />
  <key name="Next Hyperlink" code="Forward" send="0x09" />
  <key name="Previous Hyperlink" code="Rewind" send="0x09" shift="1" />
  <key name="Stop/Restart Automatic Slideshow" code="ABSwitch" senda="s" />
  <key name="Show/Hide Black Screen" code="Display" senda="b" />
  <key name="Show/Hide White Screen" code="Title" senda="w" />
- <app name="Google Video">
  <appexe name="GoogleVideoPlayer.exe" weight="20" />
  <apptitle name="" weight="0" />
  <appclass name="QWidget" weight="5" />
  <apptitlesearch name="" weight="0" />
- <keys>


  • Jr. Member
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  • Helpful Post Rating: 0
  • Posts: 23
Re: Google Remote, Max10
« Reply #17 on: July 26, 2007, 02:50:58 PM »

<key name="Play" code="Play" send="0x20" />
  <key name="Pause" code="Pause" send="0x20" />
  <key name="Stop" code="Stop" send="0x20" />
  <key name="FF" code="Forward" send="0x27" />
  <key name="Rew" code="Rewind" send="0x25" />
- <!--  Put keymaps that should always be sent (if not preempted by another app with a higher weight
- <app name="Default">
  <appexe name="" weight="0" />
  <appclass name="" weight="0" />
  <apptitle name="" weight="0" />
  <apptitlesearch name="" weight="0" />
  <keys />
- <!--  ATI RF Remote keys













- <!--  Virtual keys
 * Virtual Keys, Standard Set
VK_LBUTTON        0x01
VK_RBUTTON        0x02
VK_CANCEL         0x03
VK_MBUTTON        0x04    /* NOT contiguous with L & RBUTTON */
VK_XBUTTON1       0x05    /* NOT contiguous with L & RBUTTON */
VK_XBUTTON2       0x06    /* NOT contiguous with L & RBUTTON */
 * 0x07 : unassigned
VK_BACK           0x08
VK_TAB            0x09
 * 0x0A - 0x0B : reserved
VK_CLEAR          0x0C
VK_RETURN         0x0D
VK_SHIFT          0x10
VK_CONTROL        0x11
VK_MENU           0x12
VK_PAUSE          0x13
VK_CAPITAL        0x14
VK_KANA           0x15
VK_HANGEUL        0x15  /* old name - should be here for compatibility */
VK_HANGUL         0x15
VK_JUNJA          0x17
VK_FINAL          0x18
VK_HANJA          0x19
VK_KANJI          0x19
VK_ESCAPE         0x1B
VK_CONVERT        0x1C
VK_ACCEPT         0x1E
VK_SPACE          0x20
VK_PRIOR          0x21
VK_NEXT           0x22
VK_END            0x23
VK_HOME           0x24
VK_LEFT           0x25
VK_UP             0x26
VK_RIGHT          0x27
VK_DOWN           0x28
VK_SELECT         0x29
VK_PRINT          0x2A
VK_EXECUTE        0x2B
VK_SNAPSHOT       0x2C
VK_INSERT         0x2D
VK_DELETE         0x2E
VK_HELP           0x2F
 * VK_0 - VK_9 are the same as ASCII '0' - '9' (0x30 - 0x39)
 * 0x40 : unassigned
 * VK_A - VK_Z are the same as ASCII 'A' - 'Z' (0x41 - 0x5A)
VK_LWIN           0x5B
VK_RWIN           0x5C
VK_APPS           0x5D
 * 0x5E : reserved
VK_SLEEP          0x5F
VK_NUMPAD0        0x60
VK_NUMPAD1        0x61
VK_NUMPAD2        0x62
VK_NUMPAD3        0x63
VK_NUMPAD4        0x64
VK_NUMPAD5        0x65
VK_NUMPAD6        0x66
VK_NUMPAD7        0x67
VK_NUMPAD8        0x68
VK_NUMPAD9        0x69
VK_MULTIPLY       0x6A
VK_ADD            0x6B
VK_SUBTRACT       0x6D
VK_DECIMAL        0x6E
VK_DIVIDE         0x6F
VK_F1             0x70
VK_F2             0x71
VK_F3             0x72
VK_F4             0x73
VK_F5             0x74
VK_F6             0x75
VK_F7             0x76
VK_F8             0x77
VK_F9             0x78
VK_F10            0x79
VK_F11            0x7A
VK_F12            0x7B
VK_F13            0x7C
VK_F14            0x7D
VK_F15            0x7E
VK_F16            0x7F
VK_F17            0x80
VK_F18            0x81
VK_F19            0x82
VK_F20            0x83
VK_F21            0x84
VK_F22            0x85
VK_F23            0x86
VK_F24            0x87
 * 0x88 - 0x8F : unassigned
VK_NUMLOCK        0x90
VK_SCROLL         0x91
 * NEC PC-9800 kbd definitions
VK_OEM_NEC_EQUAL  0x92   // '=' key on numpad
 * Fujitsu/OASYS kbd definitions
VK_OEM_FJ_JISHO   0x92   // 'Dictionary' key
VK_OEM_FJ_MASSHOU 0x93   // 'Unregister word' key
VK_OEM_FJ_TOUROKU 0x94   // 'Register word' key
VK_OEM_FJ_LOYA    0x95   // 'Left OYAYUBI' key
VK_OEM_FJ_ROYA    0x96   // 'Right OYAYUBI' key
 * 0x97 - 0x9F : unassigned
 * VK_L* & VK_R* - left and right Alt, Ctrl and Shift virtual keys.
 * Used only as parameters to GetAsyncKeyState() and GetKeyState().
 * No other API or message will distinguish left and right keys in this way.
VK_LSHIFT         0xA0
VK_RSHIFT         0xA1
VK_LCONTROL       0xA2
VK_RCONTROL       0xA3
VK_LMENU          0xA4
VK_RMENU          0xA5
VK_VOLUME_UP           0xAF
VK_MEDIA_STOP          0xB2
VK_LAUNCH_MAIL         0xB4
VK_LAUNCH_APP1         0xB6
VK_LAUNCH_APP2         0xB7
 * 0xB8 - 0xB9 : reserved
VK_OEM_1          0xBA   // ';:' for US
VK_OEM_PLUS       0xBB   // '+' any country
VK_OEM_COMMA      0xBC   // ',' any country
VK_OEM_MINUS      0xBD   // '-' any country
VK_OEM_PERIOD     0xBE   // '.' any country
VK_OEM_2          0xBF   // '/?' for US
VK_OEM_3          0xC0   // '`~' for US
 * 0xC1 - 0xD7 : reserved
 * 0xD8 - 0xDA : unassigned
VK_OEM_4          0xDB  //  '[{' for US
VK_OEM_5          0xDC  //  '\|' for US
VK_OEM_6          0xDD  //  ']}' for US
VK_OEM_7          0xDE  //  ''"' for US
VK_OEM_8          0xDF
 * 0xE0 : reserved
VK_OEM_AX         0xE1  //  'AX' key on Japanese AX kbd
VK_OEM_102        0xE2  //  "<>" or "\|" on RT 102-key kbd.
VK_ICO_HELP       0xE3  //  Help key on ICO
VK_ICO_00         0xE4  //  00 key on ICO
VK_ICO_CLEAR      0xE6
VK_PACKET         0xE7
 * 0xE8 : unassigned
VK_OEM_RESET      0xE9
VK_OEM_JUMP       0xEA
VK_OEM_PA1        0xEB
VK_OEM_PA2        0xEC
VK_OEM_PA3        0xED
VK_OEM_ATTN       0xF0
VK_OEM_COPY       0xF2
VK_OEM_AUTO       0xF3
VK_OEM_ENLW       0xF4
VK_ATTN           0xF6
VK_CRSEL          0xF7
VK_EXSEL          0xF8
VK_EREOF          0xF9
VK_PLAY           0xFA
VK_ZOOM           0xFB
VK_NONAME         0xFC
VK_PA1            0xFD
 * 0xFF : reserved


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Re: Google Remote, Max10
« Reply #18 on: July 26, 2007, 04:01:07 PM »

Okey dokey. Took a little bit to remember how this worked. You're going to have to edit the XML file to make these changes. Just open notepad and drag the file from the folder into Notepad. Be sure to make a copy of it first.

Once you have the file backed up and in Notepad, add these lines in the "keys" section for every application you want to work with the Google Remote:

<key name="VolumeUp" code="VolumeUp" senda="0xAE" />
<key name="VolumeDown" code="VolumeDown" senda="0xAF" />

Once that's done you'll need to close the Google Remote software and then start it again. It may be just as easy to re-start the computer -- mainly I don't remember if you need to start and stop the X10Net service for the change to take effect.


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Re: Google Remote, Max10
« Reply #19 on: July 26, 2007, 04:27:06 PM »

Thanks for the help Mike.  I'll definitely try that.

But as far as a simple user interface such as the Niveus programming wizard, where I just open it up and assign remote buttons to keyboard keys or programs, is that going to be possible and still be able to use ActiveHome?

Could I potentially edit/delete some of the XML file in the x10nets that is installed with the ActiveHome so that it doesn't work against the x10nets file that is installed with the Niveus software?



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Re: Google Remote, Max10
« Reply #20 on: July 26, 2007, 06:06:17 PM »

You should be able to run the Niveus program now -- is it not working? There's no XML file associated with X10Net or X10Nets or AHP -- just the one for the Google remote -- so there's nothing else you can edit to make this changes you're thinking of.


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Re: Google Remote, Max10
« Reply #21 on: July 27, 2007, 06:02:20 PM »

Okay, now I think I understand the problem a little bit better.  I just reinstalled the Niveus software and of course I get the same spastic operation.  I haven't changed the xml file yet, but I will.

This whole time I assumed it was all the buttons that would act spasticallly.  What I've just noticed is that some of the buttons don't "struggle" (that is act against each other).  For instance, the channel up and down buttons work fine.  But if I hit the play button, a movie in Windvd will respond as if the button was hit TWICE.  The on screen display will flash PLAY for a nanosecond and then it will display PAUSE.  So far the problem is with the volume up and down, play, fast forward, rewind, and stop buttons. 

Will changing the xml file fix all of the problem buttons?


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Re: Google Remote, Max10
« Reply #22 on: July 28, 2007, 09:09:38 PM »

Tech Support at x10 sent me this link for an "older" ActiveHome update;

At first no luck.

But then by the grace of the Holy Lord God in Heaven I got this update to work properly with the Niveus software.  First I uninstalled everything x10 related.  Then I reinstalled Niveus, installed this ActiveHome update they sent me first, and then installed the ActiveHome Pro full application.  And of course, I just left the "Google Remote" software uninstalled. 

Now everything works as it should.  The ActiveHome Pro opens, controls the lights and modules, the timers work, and most importantly it doesn't interfere with the Niveus software's ability to configure the UR86a's buttons and the smooth operation of the subsequent functions in each application, ie Windvd, Winamp, etc.

The x10nets.dll file now has a 204 in its description as opposed to the 202 that was in the ActiveHome that I bought.  And it plays nice with Niveus.  No volume issues, no spastic operation issues.

I am now one step closer to my dream of becoming the laziest bastard on earth.

One other question now;  Is it possible to setup Hotkeys or even Global Hotkeys on the keyboard to control ActiveHome Pro and thus the x10 modules I've got installed?  For instance, would it be possible for me to assign the F10 key on my keyboard to turn on an x10 lamp module through ActiveHome?  w/ or w/o ActiveHome open on the taskbar?



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Re: Google Remote, Max10
« Reply #23 on: August 03, 2007, 01:27:02 PM »

The UR86A works excellent if you use it with Niveus software, I run version with no issues.  I even have some .obc files for programs like VLC and Power DVD, if you would like them.  The UR86A and Niveus software will allow you to do anything that you could with your mouse and more.  So if you would like to use it to control AHPro it would work great.  I use it to control my computer and my X10 lighting in my bedroom.  Set up a play list in your favorite media player and your ready to go.  Additionally if you had AHPro, LOLA, and a UR86A you could view your PC on your TV and control everything like you were in front of your TV!  The original mouse remotes for their time were excellent.  The UR86A with the mouse remote software sucks really bad, it's old software on a modern OS what do you expect. UR86A + Niveus software is kick butt.  If you need a UR86A call 800-675-3044 and ask for Steve, we'll see what we can do.

Hit me up if you have any questions about getting this product to work for you.


Think of it this way, you need to install Niveus the AhPro in that order for the X10Nets to not be an old out of date version.  Also your better off throwing away the mouse remote manual, X10 shouldn't have packed that with this 3rd gen (I believe) mouse remote.  That manual is only relevant to the first two versions.  Now that you know this get familiar with Niveus software it will allow you to do virtually anything you would like to do.  Follow that advice and now you should have a working product that does what you bought it for.  :0

X10 has a weird way of doing things.  They reuse software when it really shouldn't be used on a modern OS because their time developing the product was little or got cut short.  Knowing this the next step as a consumer would be to find the flaws then create work arounds.  Usually when I take this approach with X10 products I can pin point issues and find solutions so they are no longer a problem for me.

« Last Edit: August 03, 2007, 02:10:33 PM by x10Steve »


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Re: Google Remote, Max10
« Reply #24 on: August 03, 2007, 05:49:14 PM »


What are .obc files?

In the Niveus programming wizard, do you know what "command line parmaters" and "working directory" options are?



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Re: Google Remote, Max10
« Reply #25 on: August 03, 2007, 06:14:30 PM »


What are .obc files?

In the Niveus programming wizard, do you know what "command line parmaters" and "working directory" options are?

An .ocb file is the extension that Niveus PC remote software saves your profiles as.  So if you click on the system tray icon then the programming wizard and save the profile it will be what every you call it .ocb.  These files will be saved to My Documents/Niveus PC Remote by default.

I'm not exactly sure why you would want the command line "parameters" and I don't know what you mean by "working directory options".  If you go to where you installed the software and the above file path then open the .ocb file in note pad I bet you find the information you are looking for just by examining the example data that you created with your new saved profile.  Seems like a moot point seeing as the wizard works great and I've created many profiles with no issues.  Lots of extra work for something that can be done with button presses instead of programming by hand.



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Re: Google Remote, Max10
« Reply #26 on: August 03, 2007, 07:24:45 PM »

Do you have any .obc files for controlling Snapstream's Beyond TV? 

It's the program I and many others use to watch live television and record programs using a video capture card in the PC.


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Re: Google Remote, Max10
« Reply #27 on: August 04, 2007, 01:59:54 PM »


Is it possible to program the Niveus remote to open up different .obc files?  For instance if I'm listening to Winamp and controlling it through my Niveus obc file for Winamp and then I want to switch to PowerDVD, can I program a button on the remote to "switch" so to speak, the obc file to the PowerDVD obc?

I just tried this by programming a button on the remote to open up my Winamp obc file, but unfortunately it opened it and didn't close the already open PowerDVD obc.  So it didn't work properly. 

Do you know how I might accomplish this?  Or will it be nessecary for me to switch obc from the keyboard/mouse?

Thanks in advance.
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