Glad to hear it is finally shipping!
Me too. What started out as a simple mod to the XTB-II code turned out to be much more work than I had planned.
Isn't that always the way it goes? What looks easy at first glance turns out to be hard. Then, there are the "minor glitches" that turn out to be "major headaches". Then, there is; "As long as I'm in here, why don't I add this feature... and this one... and that one."

Are you aiming this at fellow "techies" who might appreciate the design thought process, history, etc. or at potential and / or existing "customers"?
I figure most people who will be interested in the XTB-IIR are those with fairly substantial automation systems already. Someone with a CM15A and few lamp modules doesn't need the power of the XTB-IIR. So I think the potential audience will be pretty tech savvy. This is the first pass draft. Since it is shipping now, I wanted to get the info out there. My intent was to have the first section give an overview for those who are not interested in the details. The following sections explain in detail how the major features work. There are still a lot of details that are not addressed, but the document is too long as it is. Maybe sub headings would help so the reader can just scan for the topics of interest.
Thanks for looking at it.
Yes, something to make the "basic points" stand out and then flesh-in the details about them in a way that allows the reader to "skim" to the parts that are of particular interest to him / her.
Based on the potential usefulness of this product, it might be wise to create a separate "simpler" document for your less tech savvy potential customers. With wiring, "signal suckers" and "noise generators" being what they are today, I personally see your potential customer base as
nearly anyone with X10 PLC products! With that in mind, you need to explain (simply enough for the "connect the
magic box to fix my problem" crowd) what problems your device will most likely solve for them and what problems it most likely won't. All in simplest terms without having to sift through too much text.
Speaking of "simple", do you have a pre-wired version that will plug in to a dryer or range outlet (preferably with a pass-through socket)? That would be really cool!

This may all sound stupid, but, like the typical customer, I'm to lazy to search!