I'm new to X10 and I don't have all the filters, meters etc. I'm really sounding out the technology to see if it's worthwhile getting more involved with it.
In doing basic forum research I understand that the powerhorns require an alternating on/off signal from the alarm panel to work, I understand potential home wiring phase problems etc. I understand the Simon 3's pecularity where the powerhorn's house code is to be set one letter higher than the panel's housecode. I am assuming that the alarm panel is working 100% but it's difficult to test. I still have problems with X10 devices and the Simon 3 panel:
1) I cannot get the powerhorn to work, even when plugged into the SAME receptacle as the line signal transformer (it's not a dual fed kitchen receptacle). I can get my X10 appliance module to turn on and off on more far flung receptacles so I know the panel/transformer is sending some signals. Even if there are "signal suckers" and "noise generators" on my house circuits, should the powerhorn activate when plugged into the SAME receptacle as the line signal transformer or can these suckers/generators on far removed circuits even kill the signal with this test? I tried switching the powerhorn to the same codes as the functioning appliance module and manually sending on/off signals to activate it but I can't switch on/off fast enough with the panel buttons (i.e. likely about 1.5 seconds per switching).
2) Why would the appliance module work and the powerhorn not work? (unless the PH is faulty or the panel isn't sending the proper alarm signal)
3) The "all lights on" function won't work with the appliance module. The "all lights off" does work however. How is the "all lights on" signal different than an individual "light #2 on" signal (e.g. weaker strength? more likely to be interfered with?)
Thanks for your insights.