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Author Topic: [How-Do-I] Separate 3 Pairs of Floodlights Wired to 1 Switch?  (Read 36074 times)


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Re: [How-Do-I] Separate 3 Pairs of Floodlights Wired to 1 Switch?
« Reply #15 on: June 04, 2007, 07:16:05 PM »

My X10 floodlight is the "heart" of my perimeter alarm system!

  • "Intruder Alert - Driveway Floods Sensed Motion"

  • "Intruder Alert - Shed Floods Sensed Motion"

  • "Intruder Alert - Deck Floods Sensed Motion"

  • "Intruder Alert - Kennel Floods Sensed Motion"

...I use the +1-4 codes to turn on a Camera, interior light, and chime... as well as trigger a macro in my AHP...

I started out that way, with PR511 #1, but it quickly became too cumbersome (especially during the winter! :P) when I had a "new idea".

So, now I only use +4 and +5 and treat the PR511 as an AC-Powered MSxx - Motion Detection on +4 and Dawn/Dusk on +5 (saved me TONs of memory on the CM11A! 8).

To get around the PR511 can only control another PR511 with a HIGHER UnitCode restriction, I abandoned using the internal relay in the PR511 (the blue wire, IIRC), and wire the floodlamps to a separate module (say a WS12A wall switch, for a example), which is also on a DIFFERENT HouseCode from the PR511, which is on my "Motion Sensor"-dedicated HouseCode (see my FAQ for more details about HouseCode utilization).

"Someday", when I find that elusive _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I'll write up a 'proper' article on it...;)
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HA Dave

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Re: [How-Do-I] Separate 3 Pairs of Floodlights Wired to 1 Switch?
« Reply #16 on: June 04, 2007, 09:15:07 PM »

My X10 floodlight is the "heart" of my perimeter alarm system!

"Intruder Alert - Driveway Floods Sensed Motion"

TTA your correct! I did fail to mention, that I do ALSO run BXVC. And YES I do have a Voice announcement when Motion is detected!

Although.... even being a real trek fan... I avoided the "intruder alert" and instead the voice announcements begin with "activity has been detected"........

Maybe I should have also mentioned that if a TV is ON, the camera(s) view automatically displays (replace whatever was on the TV) with the camera view.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2007, 09:20:36 PM by Dave_x10_L »
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dave w

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Re: [How-Do-I] Separate 3 Pairs of Floodlights Wired to 1 Switch?
« Reply #17 on: June 05, 2007, 01:12:59 PM »

At full volume outside the house, upon motion detection, and using wireless speakers being steered by power supplies plugged into appliance modules, the "security system" booms:


A compilation of lines from "Colussus: The Forbin Project" (1970) and "The Forbidden Planet" (1956) two kewl sci-fi movies.

Gosh this stuff is fun.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2007, 12:01:52 PM by dave w »
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Re: [How-Do-I] Separate 3 Pairs of Floodlights Wired to 1 Switch?
« Reply #18 on: June 29, 2007, 01:06:23 PM »

...Maybe I should have also mentioned that if a TV is ON, the camera(s) view automatically displays (replace whatever was on the TV) with the camera view.

Would you please go into more detail as to HOW this is accomplished?
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HA Dave

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Re: [How-Do-I] Separate 3 Pairs of Floodlights Wired to 1 Switch?
« Reply #19 on: June 29, 2007, 06:36:21 PM »

...Maybe I should have also mentioned that if a TV is ON, the camera(s) view automatically displays (replace whatever was on the TV) with the camera view.

Would you please go into more detail as to HOW this is accomplished?

OK... I've posted parts of this all over the forum... this is as good of a place as any to put it all in print.

The main reason I wanted any cameras was to be able to see my driveway. The configuration of my home, driveway, and landscaping makes seeing my driveway difficult. I thought a cam watching the driveway would allow me to "keep an eye out" for service people... even from my basement office.

Well, my way of thinking.... if one camera is good.. two (or six) would be even better.

I started planning locations, and collecting cameras (some X10 some not). Planning (and then re-adjusting the plan) is crucial to a good camera setup. I decided I wanted to be able to see the camera images from ether my basement office (TV), or from the TV in the living room. I also wanted to be able to tape (I have extra left-over VCRs) any activity in the less-public backyard area.

Four of my cameras are hardwired. Since I knew where I wanted the cameras, and I knew my structural barriers (deck, patio, driveway) I was pretty much "pinned in" as to where I would bury cable, and to where it would enter the house, in the basement. The restrictions presented problems, and I tried several different configurations, however the solutions really proved beneficial.

The cameras are feed into a Philips Audio/Video Switchbox With RF Modulator. The "auto-switching modulator" excepts four audio/video inputs... but using "Y" shaped RCA connectors allows for more. The non-X10 cameras are turned ON and OFF using X10 appliance modules. Wireless cameras feed through a video receiver (also controlled by an appliance module).

From the modulator I feed into my own cable-network (on channel 3) inside my house. I have thought of expanding that to the entire home... but right now my own cable-network is limited to my home theater, a bathroom TV, my office TV, and a VCR.

At the VCR (set to receive channel 3) I use the video out RCA connectors to connect to a video sender (controlled by an appliance module). The VCR is controlled by the (X10) VCR Commander.

Upstairs in the living room I use another Philips Audio/Video Switchbox With RF Modulator:
The cable-box controls the channels, and modulates them to (also) channel 3 (antenna output). The antenna output goes into the Modulator. Behind the TV is a Video Receiver and a lamp plugged into an appliance module (I used a 3 plug adapter) the Video receiver plugs in the Modulator RCA input (so does a DVD player). If any signal is input into the Modulator it makes that the channel 3 antenna output. Because the Cable-Box controls the normal channel switching... the TV is always on channel 3.

OK... each camera has it's own house/unit code... Turning on any camera presents the camera image to the VCR via channel 3 (and outputs to the video sender via the VCRs RCA plugs). Both the Video sender and receiver use the same house/ unit code and to turn on when activated.

To set the events in motion.... I use the X10 floodlight(s). The floodlight uses a plus 1-4 and 5-8 for both motion and dusk-dawn sensing). The floodlights only send PLS's (Power Line Signal's), the VCR Commander can only be activated by an RF signal. I created a macro in AHP (Active Home Pro) which is triggered by the floodlights PLS, then sends a RF signal to the VCR Commander. In case I would be asleep (or other-wise away from the TV) when the sensor triggers, the floodlights also trigger a chime in the bedroom.

I think it was last July or August ... X10 had a video contest ... I created this video and won. The video is a good representation (although not completely accurate) of how this all looks and works.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2009, 01:36:59 AM by -Bill- (of »
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HA Dave

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Re: [How-Do-I] Separate 3 Pairs of Floodlights Wired to 1 Switch?
« Reply #20 on: August 18, 2007, 09:46:23 PM »

At full volume outside the house, upon motion detection, and using wireless speakers being steered by power supplies plugged into appliance modules, the "security system" booms:


A copilation of lines from "Colussus: The Forbin Project" (1970) and "The Forbidden Planet" (1956) two kewl sci-fi movies.

Gosh this stuff is fun.

I have been thinking about this post since I 1st read it in June!!! dave w this is the coolest home security idea I think I have EVER read about. Thank-you for sharing this idea!!!!

I want this included in my setup. (as of now.... I only have warnings INSIDE)
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Re: [How-Do-I] Separate 3 Pairs of Floodlights Wired to 1 Switch?
« Reply #21 on: August 20, 2007, 12:52:24 PM »

I have been thinking about this post since I 1st read it in June!!! dave w this is the coolest home security idea I think I have EVER read about. Thank-you for sharing this idea!!!!

I want this included in my setup. (as of now.... I only have warnings INSIDE)

"Garsh" Dave Thanks...
Actually I wrote about voice announcements and announcement steering way back in May 1998 issue of Popular Home Automation. This was pre Windows  text to speech engine so  I was using a MAC to generate all the announcements.  I found reaaally cheap wireless speakers at Electronic Goldmine so had the speakers all over the place. Used an Enerlogic 1400 (grand daddy to most X10 scripted controllers - circa 1987)  to steer audio around the house, based on motion detection.
Huge fun.  There was announcement at the driveway that "home control" had  detected a drive up. The front door speaker made a similar "benine" announcement. However if motion was detected on a side of the house where it was not expected, the announcement (at full volume) said that "home control" had detected presence in a restricted area, that their activities were being recorded, and that they had 10 seconds to leave or the authorities would be summoned.

Although we did not live in a crime area,  there were some break-ins in the neighborhood. But we never had any problem, but I am sure I scared the manure out of several deer.

The beauty of the selective announcements, steered to specific areas is; even an experienced burglar may not be sure "Is it real or is it is Memorex?" and will move to easier pillage.  :D  Gee whiz this stuff is fun!
"This aftershave makes me look fat"

HA Dave

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Re: [How-Do-I] Separate 3 Pairs of Floodlights Wired to 1 Switch?
« Reply #22 on: August 20, 2007, 09:37:32 PM »

Really cool and HELPFUL dave w.

Plus I also just read about RCaddict's MP3 powered replacement for a RoboDog that could also provide announcements.

  Gee whiz this stuff is fun!

« Last Edit: August 20, 2007, 09:39:07 PM by Dave_x10_L »
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