To prevent the retriggering of a macro, the best option is to use a flag and a condition.
Here is a sample of this type of macro: Re: Smart Macro conditions?
Puck, I tried using your flag and condition example above to control the MS14A. Couldn't understand how to make it work in my application.
Here is what I'm trying to do:
1. Detect Motion at my Front Door - ONCE
2. Trigger a SH10A Power horn to go "Ding-Dong" (got that down) ONCE
The problem is, The MS14A continues to sense motion, and it "Ding-Dongs" about 5 times as the person approaches the door. The built-in 10 second delay isn't enough.
I wish to have the MS14A sense motion once, and then stop activating the SH10A "Ding-Dong"
In other words, detect motion and chime once. A 5 minute delay after the chime would work nicely (I don't mean the internally programmable delay in the MS14A sending out the N+1 signal).
Using flags are confusing! I don't really get what they are used for!
Any chance of getting assistance?