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Author Topic: Guidance for a Newbie  (Read 8545 times)


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Guidance for a Newbie
« on: October 05, 2007, 12:58:55 PM »

I just purchased AHP 3.206, Smart Macros, CM15A and the 3 other add-ons. I’ve written a simple macro (M1 ON) to turn on my TV (A1) and stereo (A2) and another (M1 OFF) to turn them both off. I’d like to learn more about macros and tips for structuring the naming of my modules. I began reading posts in the forum but many of the subjects, for example macros calling macros, get dated quickly so I don’t know if I’m learning old techniques that have been streamlined and/or fixed in newer versions of the software.

I’d appreciate any comments or being pointed in the right direction regarding the following issues:

1) My current naming scheme is HC = A for physical modules, at least until I exceed 16. Macros use HC = M for macros I want to execute with my RF universal remote and yet to be purchased Palm Pad. does this scheme make sense or am I going to ‘paint myself into a corner’?

2) Is there documentation somewhere that explains designing macros in further depth than the AHP (CM15A) Owner’s Manual but not so complex that it confuses a newbie like me?

3) I’d like to add a function to my ‘turn TV & stereo OFF’ (M1 OFF) macro that would turn on a bedroom lamp but only if it is nighttime. I created the nighttime conditional macro but can not figure out how to call it from the (M1 OFF) macro. I can’t add the nighttime conditional directly in M1 OFF because it will restrict turning off the TV & stereo to nighttime. I tried the ‘Issue an X10 Address’ function but it does not have an ON / OFF setting and I get a message stating ‘Macro must be run from the PC’. Maybe this is where phantom / virtual / dummy / ghost modules come into play but it is not clear to me how I would do this.

4) I’ve noticed people displaying their macros in their forum posts. Is there a way to copy / paste the statements or do you have to type them by hand?

I apologize if these issues have been recently covered in the forum but after a couple hours reading posts I still have these issues. Thanks


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Re: Guidance for a Newbie
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2007, 01:33:53 PM »

Welcome!   ;)

OK, I just have to say, in jest, who doesn't use housecode "M" for Macros?   ;D

However, I always shy away from using housecode "A" for anything.  It is the default for many things, and IMHO, by not using the default, might save you a debugging headache years from now.

For your M1 'off' macro, you need to do add a second (called an "else") macro.  You make the first macro that checks for daytime, and only does a ‘turn TV & stereo OFF’.  Then make an "else" macro that checks for nighttime, and does a ‘turn TV & stereo OFF’ plus a "lamp ON".  Yea, I know in true programming, the else would not need to re-check the same conditional, but AHP is kind-of odd, and IMHO, it is safer to do the extra re-check.
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Re: Guidance for a Newbie
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2007, 02:23:44 PM »

1) My current naming scheme is HC = A for physical modules, at least until I exceed 16. Macros use HC = M for macros I want to execute with my RF universal remote and yet to be purchased Palm Pad. does this scheme make sense or am I going to ‘paint myself into a corner’?

It's all a matter of preference. (See: HOUSECODES: By Room or By Module Type or By Function or...?

As Walt2 stated, be careful with A (especially A1 & A2).

Things can always be changed, and as your system expands and you get more experience with AHP, you will figure out what scheme works best for you.

2) Is there documentation somewhere that explains designing macros in further depth than the AHP (CM15A) Owner’s Manual but not so complex that it confuses a newbie like me?

None that I'm aware of. This forum is your best source for how others accomplish similar macro tasks; and if you can't find something, your question becomes help for a lot of others.

3) I’d like to add a function to my ‘turn TV & stereo OFF’ (M1 OFF) macro that would turn on a bedroom lamp but only if it is nighttime. I created the nighttime conditional macro but can not figure out how to call it from the (M1 OFF) macro. I can’t add the nighttime conditional directly in M1 OFF because it will restrict turning off the TV & stereo to nighttime. I tried the ‘Issue an X10 Address’ function but it does not have an ON / OFF setting and I get a message stating ‘Macro must be run from the PC’. Maybe this is where phantom / virtual / dummy / ghost modules come into play but it is not clear to me how I would do this.

Walt2 answered your macro question, so I'll add more on the Phantom Module.

Since a macro cannot trigger another macro directly, then a non-existing Appliance Module is create that a macro can turn ON or OFF. Macros can be created for this module; this provides a means for one macro to trigger another macro. (See: Using Phantom/dummy/ghost/virtual modules)

4) I’ve noticed people displaying their macros in their forum posts. Is there a way to copy / paste the statements or do you have to type them by hand?

I believe screen captures are the only alternative to manually typing them.


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Re: Guidance for a Newbie
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2007, 06:44:37 PM »

OK, I just have to say, in jest, who doesn't use housecode "M" for Macros?   ;D

ME ME  ;D. I use House code "P" for all Macros that don't pertain to a specific module or fits into one of my rooms.

I just purchased AHP 3.206, Smart Macros, CM15A and the 3 other add-ons. I’ve written a simple macro (M1 ON) to turn on my TV (A1) and stereo (A2) and another (M1 OFF) to turn them both off. I’d like to learn more about macros and tips for structuring the naming of my modules. I began reading posts in the forum but many of the subjects, for example macros calling macros, get dated quickly so I don’t know if I’m learning old techniques that have been streamlined and/or fixed in newer versions of the software.

You have the latest software. No new versions have come out since AHP 3.206. This version was released with the package that came with OnAlert.

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Re: Guidance for a Newbie
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2007, 11:25:27 AM »

Walt2 & Puck, thanks for the advice. Between your suggestions and further reading on the forum I feel like I’ve graduated from 1st grade to 2nd grade in X10 school.

I assigned the modules that I do not want to monitor to HC D (for Device), the one I want to monitor to HC M (Monitored Device) and changed my Macros to HC P (Programmed Macros). If I start seeing conflicts with any of these assignments from neighbors I’ll reassign them.

D1 = TV
D2 = Lamp by TV
D3 = Lamp in Bedroom
M1 = Stereo
P1 ON = Turn TV & Stereo ON (Daytime ELSE nighttime)
P1 OFF = Turn TV & Stereo OFF (Daytime ELSE nighttime)
P2 ON = Turn Stereo ON (if currently OFF) ELSE OFF (if currently ON)

I modified my P1 Macro to include an ELSE condition; the main Macro for Daytime, the ELSE Macro for Nighttime. I learned that manually triggering a Macro from within AHP only executes that single Macro, not any ELSE statements associated with that Macro. I had to trigger the Macro with my RF controller to test both conditions.

I now understand, correct me if I’m wrong, that any device that I want to test via a CONDITIONAL statement for ON or OFF must be assigned to the MONITORED HC (M in my case); there can only be one MONITORED HC; therefore only 16 devices can be tested via a CONDITIONAL statement for ON or OFF. I believe the 16 limit can be expanded with the use of FLAGS but that is beyond my current comprehension level.

I still do not have a clear understanding of TRANSCEIVED HC’s. I believe that all HC’s that have a physical module plugged in an outlet (non-RF) must be transceived (D & M in my case).

I am also confused regarding control of modules from RF controllers. I know my Macros can control modules in multiple HC’s; E.G. turn ON D1 (TV) and turn ON M1 (Stereo). However, my RF remote (UR74A) and soon to be ordered Palm Pad can only transmit on one HC. I obviously want it to trigger Macros so I have it programmed for HC P. But what if I want to also control individual modules like D2 or D3? Do I have to create Macros for each of these modules residing in HC’s other than HC P? If so then I can envision easily reaching the maximum of 32 (16 ON & 16 OFF) as my system grows.

Hopefully I won’t get demoted back to 1st grade.


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Re: Guidance for a Newbie
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2007, 12:28:11 PM »

I learned that manually triggering a Macro from within AHP only executes that single Macro, not any ELSE statements associated with that Macro. I had to trigger the Macro with my RF controller to test both conditions.

That is correct; manually clicking on a macro ignores all conditions and just runs it.

I now understand, correct me if I’m wrong, that any device that I want to test via a CONDITIONAL statement for ON or OFF must be assigned to the MONITORED HC (M in my case); there can only be one MONITORED HC; therefore only 16 devices can be tested via a CONDITIONAL statement for ON or OFF. I believe the 16 limit can be expanded with the use of FLAGS but that is beyond my current comprehension level.

Correct. Only devices on the monitored house code can be used for macro conditions. Flags do give you 16 other ON/OFF conditions to use for not only tracking device states but many other uses as well, like preventing a macro from being double triggered.

I still do not have a clear understanding of TRANSCEIVED HC’s. I believe that all HC’s that have a physical module plugged in an outlet (non-RF) must be transceived (D & M in my case).

I am also confused regarding control of modules from RF controllers. I know my Macros can control modules in multiple HC’s; E.G. turn ON D1 (TV) and turn ON M1 (Stereo). However, my RF remote (UR74A) and soon to be ordered Palm Pad can only transmit on one HC. I obviously want it to trigger Macros so I have it programmed for HC P. But what if I want to also control individual modules like D2 or D3? Do I have to create Macros for each of these modules residing in HC’s other than HC P? If so then I can envision easily reaching the maximum of 32 (16 ON & 16 OFF) as my system grows.

Not all modules need their house codes transceived; transceived only means an RF remote signal will be sent to the power lines as a PLC signal. This is not always needed if you just want your RF remote to trigger macros.

See this thread for more info: What's The Difference Between Monitored and Transceived HouseCodes?

Tuicemen has a post of some helpful links here in case you have not seen it yet: Having ActiveHome Pro Problems? Please Read This First!


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Re: Guidance for a Newbie
« Reply #6 on: October 06, 2007, 04:00:24 PM »

See this thread for more info: What's The Difference Between Monitored and Transceived HouseCodes?

Tuicemen has a post of some helpful links here in case you have not seen it yet: Having ActiveHome Pro Problems? Please Read This First!

Puck, thanks. Yes I did read, study actually, the Monitored / Transceived HouseCodes post and it was quite informative. I have looked at a couple of Tuicemen’s links and had bookmarked it to return later.

Would you mind commenting on my issue of controlling macros and actual devices with my RF controller? The issue is:
I am also confused regarding control of modules from RF controllers. I know my Macros can control modules in multiple HC’s; E.G. turn ON D1 (TV) and turn ON M1 (Stereo). However, my RF remote (UR74A) and soon to be ordered Palm Pad can only transmit on one HC. I obviously want it to trigger Macros so I have it programmed for HC P. But what if I want to also control individual modules like D2 or D3? Do I have to create Macros for each of these modules residing in HC’s other than HC P? If so then I can envision easily reaching the maximum of 32 (16 ON & 16 OFF) as my system grows.



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Re: Guidance for a Newbie
« Reply #7 on: October 06, 2007, 04:09:59 PM »

Would you mind commenting on my issue of controlling macros and actual devices with my RF controller? The issue is:
I am also confused regarding control of modules from RF controllers. I know my Macros can control modules in multiple HC’s; E.G. turn ON D1 (TV) and turn ON M1 (Stereo). However, my RF remote (UR74A) and soon to be ordered Palm Pad can only transmit on one HC. I obviously want it to trigger Macros so I have it programmed for HC P. But what if I want to also control individual modules like D2 or D3? Do I have to create Macros for each of these modules residing in HC’s other than HC P? If so then I can envision easily reaching the maximum of 32 (16 ON & 16 OFF) as my system grows.

Using this method, to control individual modules you would need to write ON & OFF macros for each of them.

This is the method I choose with my 3 main house remotes. I dedicated a HC for each remote and use macros for each of the 16 unit codes ON & OFF buttons. When I want to change a remote's function, I found it much easier to just edit a couple macros instead of going around the house and physically changing X10 addresses on modules.

-Bill- (of

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Re: Guidance for a Newbie
« Reply #8 on: October 06, 2007, 08:07:47 PM »

Would you mind commenting on my issue of controlling macros and actual devices with my RF controller? The issue is:
I am also confused regarding control of modules from RF controllers. I know my Macros can control modules in multiple HC’s; E.G. turn ON D1 (TV) and turn ON M1 (Stereo). However, my RF remote (UR74A) and soon to be ordered Palm Pad can only transmit on one HC. I obviously want it to trigger Macros so I have it programmed for HC P. But what if I want to also control individual modules like D2 or D3? Do I have to create Macros for each of these modules residing in HC’s other than HC P? If so then I can envision easily reaching the maximum of 32 (16 ON & 16 OFF) as my system grows.

Using this method, to control individual modules you would need to write ON & OFF macros for each of them.

This is the method I choose with my 3 main house remotes. I dedicated a HC for each remote and use macros for each of the 16 unit codes ON & OFF buttons. When I want to change a remote's function, I found it much easier to just edit a couple macros instead of going around the house and physically changing X10 addresses on modules.

I agree with Puck,
I recognized what a PITA re-assigning things might become right off and so I reserved house code "H" (for hand-held) and created a "room" in AHP that is named "Palm Pad Remote".  Then I created two macros for each button (one for on and one for off).  That way, all I have to do is change the macro's instructions and the button can control any module (or macro) no matter what house or unit code it is.

The Palm Pad has a code wheel to select which House code it communicates with, so if I remember the module's House and Unit codes, I can turn the wheel to the appropriate House code and push the proper unit code button in case the macros are not functioning.

Contrary to popular opinion... I have my AHP set to transceive ALL house codes!   :o
-Bill- (of

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