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Author Topic: Driveway Camera / Garage Camera Auto-Switching  (Read 36173 times)


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Driveway Camera / Garage Camera Auto-Switching
« on: October 28, 2007, 11:10:24 PM »

AHP 3.206 with OnAlert and a DS10A connected to the garagedoor.

With the exception of security Macros, all are run from the Interface.

I have an outside camera to monitor motion in my driveway there is a motion sensor to control this camera. I also have a camera and motion sensor in my garage. When the garage door is open, this camera not only covers anyone who enters the garage, but also covers the entire driveway as well. At nighttime, I have a floodlight in the garage to provide extra light for this camera.

Control Logic:

  • When garagedoor is closed and motion detected in garage, just turn regular lights on

  • When garagedoor is open and motion detected in garage, turn on garage camera

  • When garagedoor is closed and motion detected in driveway, turn on driveway camera

  • When garagedoor is open and motion detected in driveway, turn on garage camera

  • When the garagedoor opens at night, turn on garage floodlight and garage camera

  • When the garagedoor opens during daytime, turn on garage camera

  • When the garagedoor closes, turn off garage camera, switch to driveway camera, turn off garage light and garage floodlight; and finally send a delayed signal to ensure driveway camera does not stay on.

The macro controls for this are one of the most complex that I have in my set-up.

Equipment, name and X10 references:

1 ) Driveway motion detector, DWmotion, L7, Status Flag 4
2 ) Garage motion detector, GARmotion, L11, Status Flag 7
3 ) Driveway camera, DWcam, C1
4 ) Garage camera, GARcam, C5
5 ) VCR Commander, CAMrecord, C9
6 ) Garage light, GARlight, K5
7 ) Garage flood light, GARflood, J15
8 ) Garagedoor security sensor DS10A, SSgaragedoor


1) Create a dummy appliance switch: A3 GarageDoor

2) Create the following 15 Macros:

     Macro Name:

     L7 ON
     Flag Status Off - 4, 15

     DWcam ON   C1 ON
     Delay 0 Seconds
     CAMrecord ON   C9 ON
     Delay 1 Second
     GARcam OFF   C5 OFF
     Set Flags [4]
     Clear Flags [7]

     Macro Name:

     L7 ON
     Flag Status Off - 7
     Flag Status On - 15

     GARcam ON   C5 ON
     Delay 0 Seconds
     CAMrecord ON   C9 ON
     Delay 1 Second
     DWcam OFF   C1 OFF
     Set Flags [7]
     Clear Flags [4]

     Macro Name:

     L7 ON
     Flag Status Off - 15
     Flag Status On - 4

     CAMrecord ON   C9 ON

     Macro Name:

     L7 ON
     Flag Status On - 7, 15

     GARcam ON   C5 ON
     Delay 0 Seconds
     CAMrecord ON   C9 ON

     Macro Name:

     L7 OFF
     Flag Status On - 4

     DWcam OFF   C1 OFF
     Clear Flags [4]

     Macro Name:

     L11 ON
     Flag Status Off - 7, 15

     GARlight ON   K5 ON
     Delay 1 Second
     Set Flags [7]

     Macro Name:

     L11 ON
     Flag Status On - 15
     Flag Status Off - 7

     GARcam ON   C5 ON
     Delay 0 Seconds
     CAMrecord ON   C9 ON
     Delay 1 Second
     DWcam OFF   C1 OFF
     Set Flags [7]
     Clear Flags [4]

     Macro Name:

     L11 ON
     Flag Status On - 7, 15

     CAMrecord ON   C9 ON

     Macro Name:

     L11 OFF
     Flag Status On - 7, 15

     GARcam OFF   C5 OFF
     Delay 0 Seconds
     GARlight OFF   K5 OFF
     Clear Flags [7]

     Macro Name:

     L11 OFF
     Flag Status Off - 15

     GARlight OFF   K5 OFF
     Clear Flags [7]

     Macro Name:

     SSgaragedoor - Sensor Triggered
     Flag Status Off - 15

     Set Flags [15]
     Delay 1 Second
     GarageDoor ON   A3 ON

     Macro Name:

     SSgaragedoor - Sensor Closed
     Flag Status On - 15

     Clear Flags [15]
     Delay 1 Second
     GarageDoor OFF   A3 OFF

     Macro Name:

     A3 ON
     Flag Status On - 2   status flag 2 controlled by: Daytime / Nighttime Timer Flag Macro

     Clear Flags [7]
     Appliance Control: Turn L11 ON

     Macro Name:

     A3 ON
     Flag Status Off - 2

     Clear Flags [7]
     GARflood ON   J15 ON
     Delay 1 Second
     Appliance Control: Turn L11 ON

     Macro Name:

     A3 OFF

     GARflood OFF   J15 OFF
     Delay 0 Seconds
     GARlight OFF   K5 OFF
     Delay 1 Second
     Clear Flags [4]
     Appliance Control: Turn L7 ON
     Delay 1 Minute
     Appliance Control: Turn L7 OFF

Additional notes:
The reason I have the Dummy Module (A3) and call it from the SSgaragedoor security sensor Macros instead of just doing the tasks here is because I use 2 CM15A at home and sending the A3 ON is my way of letting the other system know the Garagedoor is open.

Not shown in the Macros is a Status Flag I use to disable my cameras. There are times I don't want any cameras to come on so I use a Flag that when set, none of the above L7 & L11 macros will run.


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Re: Driveway Camera / Garage Camera Auto-Switching
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2007, 11:47:18 AM »

What are you trying to accomplish with macro  DWmotionON3?

If the door is open (flag 15 on) and flag 4 is on, the CAMrecord ON   C9 ON is already on as set in DWmotionON1.

Would you please indicate if your conditions are "ANDs"  or "ORs"?




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Re: Driveway Camera / Garage Camera Auto-Switching
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2007, 12:28:51 PM »

What are you trying to accomplish with macro  DWmotionON3?

If the door is open (flag 15 on) and flag 4 is on, the CAMrecord ON   C9 ON is already on as set in DWmotionON1.

Very good question!

I use the VCR Commander to control recording, and as we know, after 5 minutes it emits the IR off signal. If there was activity in my driveway that lasted for more than 5 minutes, the VCR Commander would stop my recording. So each time motion is detected after the initial one, which turned on the camera and started the recording, this macro acts an a keep alive for the VCR Command by resetting it's 5 minute count-down timer.

The camera & recording will not stop until there has been 5 minutes of no motion.

Would you please indicate if your conditions are "ANDs"  or "ORs"?

I guess years of Boolean Algebra cause some assumptions.  ::)

When there is nothing placed between conditions it is an AND.

I will make the following statement in all future entries:

Unless otherwise stated, all conditions are an AND.


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Re: Driveway Camera / Garage Camera Auto-Switching
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2007, 01:47:21 PM »

and as we know, after 5 minutes it emits the IR off signal
.  I don't own the VCR Commander so this would make sense. 

Here's another question, in macro DWmotionON4 you turn on GARcam ON   C5 ON.  If it is already turned on in macro DWmotionON2 why are you turning it on again?  Does the VCR Commander IR off signal turn the camera off as well?




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Re: Driveway Camera / Garage Camera Auto-Switching
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2007, 01:59:44 PM »

Here's another question, in macro DWmotionON4 you turn on GARcam ON   C5 ON.  If it is already turned on in macro DWmotionON2 why are you turning it on again?  Does the VCR Commander IR off signal turn the camera off as well?

If the L11 motion detector (inside garage) times out, it will turn the GARcam off. In the event that this happens, a back-up plan is to ensure the C5 GARcam was turned back on if the driveway motion sensor is triggered. If it is already on, it doesn't change anything, if it does go off then this prevents recording of a blank video input.

With limited Status Flags, this was a way to prevent the GARcam from staying off without requiring another Flag.


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Re: Driveway Camera / Garage Camera Auto-Switching
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2007, 04:08:06 PM »

Do you have any windows/skylights in your garage?  If you do, I could break into the garage thru the window/skylight and your GARmotionON1 would turn the light on so I could see what I'd like to help myself to. Your GARmotionON3 would turn on your vcr cmdr but since the cameras are off, it wouldn't record anything.  :o

HA Dave

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Re: Driveway Camera / Garage Camera Auto-Switching
« Reply #6 on: October 29, 2007, 04:28:41 PM »

Do you have any windows/skylights in your garage?  If you do, I could break into the garage thru the window/skylight I could see what I'd like to help myself to.

Wow.... Puck must really have some cool stuff... for you to go to all that trouble spam4us.

Sounds like a pretty cool macro to me!
Home Automation is an always changing technology


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Re: Driveway Camera / Garage Camera Auto-Switching
« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2007, 04:38:21 PM »

Do you have any windows/skylights in your garage?  If you do, I could break into the garage thru the window/skylight and your GARmotionON1 would turn the light on so I could see what I'd like to help myself to. Your GARmotionON3 would turn on your vcr cmdr but since the cameras are off, it wouldn't record anything.  :o

This question and satatement is not related to the macros presented.

If you want to know why your thought will not work within my system, please ask it in a seperate thread with reference to this one and I will gladly reply.

Thank you.


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Re: Driveway Camera / Garage Camera Auto-Switching
« Reply #8 on: October 29, 2007, 04:45:17 PM »

Puck & Dave_x10_L,

     Yes it is a cool macro. I am just trying to point out that based on the info here, someone could enter into the garage thru a window/skylight and the camera would not be on. So yes, it is related to the macro presented here since what you are trying to do is have a camera on at all times whenever there is motion both inside and outside of the garage.

     Just thought you would like to be aware of this condition so that you could add to the macro..


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Re: Driveway Camera / Garage Camera Auto-Switching
« Reply #9 on: October 29, 2007, 06:06:36 PM »

I am just trying to point out that based on the info here, someone could enter into the garage thru a window/skylight and the camera would not be on. So yes, it is related to the macro presented here since what you are trying to do is have a camera on at all times whenever there is motion both inside and outside of the garage.

It is related, but as I stated, not part of the macro presented.

This macro is intended to show how to automatically control some camera switching for a specific reason; integrating this with security is outside of the scope of what I posted.

If you noticed this:

Not shown in the Macros is a Status Flag I use to disable my cameras. There are times I don't want any cameras to come on so I use a Flag that when set, none of the above L7 & L11 macros will run.

There are times when I want the L7 & L11 macros, as well as others, to behave differently.  ;)

I could break into the garage thru the window/skylight and your GARmotionON1 would turn the light on so I could see what I'd like to help myself to.

And you would quickly find out that you would rather be on the outside.

Your GARmotionON3 would turn on your vcr cmdr but since the cameras are off, it wouldn't record anything.  :o

BTW, GARmotionON3 will not execute while the garage door is closed. (This was mentioned in context with your window/skylight entry statement.)
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