That seems like such a big question with so many factors to determine its outcome. Its a great question and in my mind a complex one due to the "players" involved. It's hard to believe that 2007 is nearing it's end and 2008 is just around the corner and as the main people of home automation and all it's compatible products looks back to analyze the progress and or bring HA to the masses I have one question for them, What is your motivation? The industry is ripe for the picking. The information on how it works is available. All obstacles can be worked around (for the average Joe the obstacles are small anyway). So what is it. Whats your main reason for being in this industry. My main audience hopefully is the industry as a whole, Who will rise to the top and have a clear picture of the industry , If the weak fall off so be it, The industry is intended for us, the paradigm shift will come. Home automation in my mind will be main stream at some point. The road is plowed, people are using it, but every person that goes down the road is hitting the same potholes that the guy in front of him hit. In 2008 it will be hard to believe that a person who uses the road will have to hit the same old potholes. Somebody will force the paradigm shift and blow the lid off Home Automation.
Its a hard question to ask, It maybe harder to answer.