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Author Topic: Protector Plus, PA5800, X10 Dialers Working with Voice Over IP VOIP Vonage  (Read 4718 times)


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If you're llike me, you are starting to get quite a few calls from customers whose systems, i.e. Protector Plus, personal assistance dialer, etc. will NOT work with their voice over IP system.  While Vonage is the most prevalent problem, this problem will start to crop of more with others like Comcast digital voice as providers look to squeeze more out of their service, i.e. compression, etc.  Does anyone have a workaround for this growing problem?  Does anyone know if X10 is doing anything about it (if there even is anything they can do).  Please help as my returns are piling up and the future of this part of X10's product offering looks to be short-lived unless something is done on the technical end.
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