Wow, that is a lot of great advice. I really like the idea of installing one circuit at a time and testing after each individual install. The Keypadlinc switches are a mixture if 12074, 12073, and 2486D units, I bought a few 12074/12073 units off eBay and the 2486D units from Smarthome. The Switchlinc units are new from Smarthome, however I believe they are the older units (2384i2). I purchased them for $20 each from Smarthome, I believe they are on clearance and I am pretty certain they are one-way units. I sort of made a mistake with these units, I thought they had scene capabilities but I am now thinking they do not. When I ordered them the sales representative said that they do have scene functions, however after doing my homework it appears not to be true. At $20 each, they are a bargain even if they do not control scenes. Do you have any suggestions how to get around that? I really only have two rooms I really need scene capabilities with Switchlincs, all the other rooms I plan to use scenes I am using the Keypadlincs. Worse case is that I will get a couple more Keypadlincs, but it would be nice to have a work-around for the Switchlinc units.
I can see how the signal may get weak, are you using the Boosterlinc 4827? I have seen boosters that I can wire at the breaker panel to amplify a circuit, have you used them?
I will probably wait until I am done with this step of things before embarking on the V572 install. I have read that it has the ability to pick up a signal from 200' which would eliminate the need for additional transceivers (RR501). Is it possible to just use 2 or 3 CM15A as the transceiver units to avoid worrying about house codes? I know I am going to use several housecodes and do not want to use the RR501 for this reason. I would have to have a dozen different RR501 because they can only be assigned one house code.
Thank you so much for all the insight. Your idea of installing one circuit at a time for troubleshooting purposes is priceless.