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Author Topic: Which lights correspond to which sensors?  (Read 5545 times)


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Which lights correspond to which sensors?
« on: March 06, 2008, 06:06:51 PM »

I recently installed the PS561 console with the ds10A sensors throughout my house.  The system works good.  However, I need to know which sensors correspond to which lights on my console?  I know that if you reset the box then it goes in order from when you program to the console.  But if I have to replace the batteries in one of my DS10A's it changes the code and that device gets moved out of position(from what I can tell anyways).  Is there a fix around this?  Or do I just have to reprogram every sensor in my house every time I change out the batteries on one device?


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  • It was working fine yesterday...
    • Casa Bella - Vacation Condo in Fort Myers, FL
Re: Which lights correspond to which sensors?
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2008, 06:29:14 PM »

If you're quick, you can replace batteries without the DS10A losing it's code. (I think you have about 30 seconds -- some people have reported much longer time than that, but your mileage may vary...) If the sensor does lose it's code, then you need to remove the console battery, power down, and go through the installation process for your sensors and remotes from scratch.
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