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Have you tryed the DEMO Camera Yet?

Yes, I tune in daily
Yes, I tune in At least once a month or weekly
No, I have not tryed it and am not planing on trying it any time soon (because I am difficult)
No, I tryed but it of after hours and am planing on trying it again soon
No, I was able to see the demo page but the camera was'nt on or was'nt working.
No, I havent but I am clicking on the link now.
No, I cant because I have Dial-Up Internet

Author Topic: X10 demo Camera- LIVE: Right NOW  (Read 4693 times)


  • Guest
X10 demo Camera- LIVE: Right NOW
« on: March 12, 2008, 12:42:33 AM »

I got a demo camera hooked up that anyone can view. I want to remind you that it is still under construction LOOK OUT FOR POT HOLES. The camera is located on my property. Please behave on it, there is a limit on the amount of users at one time so don't hog the camera. There are hours of operation they are as follows: Monday - Friday 7:00AM till 7:00PM, Saturday 6:00AM till 8:00PM, Sunday 12:00PM till 4:00 PM (CST).  Please also take to poll.

Now the part you have been waiting for: Please go to click on "Demo" Sorry I dont have a direct link as of the ip changes daily.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2008, 10:42:58 PM by Insert Nick Here »
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