I have for the 1st time (

) discovered what X10 is, so please accept my newbee apologies if this has been discussed over a 1000 times...
I have an iPhone (wife has a Blackberry) with iTunes running on a Win XP Pro SP2 pc. We have a Comcast telephony modem (broadband internet and VOIP phone) and a wireless router so we can work on laptops elsewhere in the house.
We're looking at buying an lcd flatscreen (we have Comcast digital cable) and a simple mid-end stereo system like a 2.0 or 2.1 system, NOT a 5 or 7.1 home theater system (we have a 2 year old!).
Ideally I would like to connect all of these wirelessly, including the speakers and that's how I stumbled on X10. While wireless video transmission is nice, I'm more interested in the audio side of X10, like being able to play my iPhone, iTune and Blackberry's music through the stereo system. We had a Bluetooth solution (with Bluetooth speakers) until I learned that iPhone Bluetooth doesn't work audio.
If I understand correctly, I would plug an X10 transmitter on my pc (where?) with an X10 receiver plugged to the lcd screen and another one plugged to the stereo system and that's it? Of course that doesn't provide a solution for wireless speakers (although I read somewhere that self-powered speakers would work?...). If the blackberry and iPhone are networked to my home network would X10 be able to transmit songs to the stereo?...
I probably will have more questions once I learn more about capabilities and limitations of x10. Until then, I truly appreciate any feedback from the experts out there... Thanks!