Man what a pain this was to install!Not sure why I'm always the first to have issues with the new updates
Kept getting the AHP has encountered a problem and needs to close! restarted only to see I was still at version 3.206
Installed AHP and reinstalled then updated!
that worked accept I also had to reinstall all my plug-ins(another royal pain I had to install them in the order I purchased!
installed smartmacros after iWatchout and had to reinstall iWatchout didn't want to install MyHouse but trying to install OnAlert gave me the dreaded [/b] installed Myhouse then OnAlert installed without a hitch!
I'm sure I'll find more issues but for now value of backups has been driven home once again!
when I installed it left my AHX files but once AHP was up and running with the new version many things were not right reloading the backup AHX fixed it!
As I type this I received the dreaded
"AHP has encountered a problem and needs to close message" Well now to start with issues!
- The bug with windows commands not working after restarting AHP still exists!
thankfully I found a work around for this[/list][/b]