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Author Topic: Security cam for campground??  (Read 7076 times)


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Security cam for campground??
« on: May 16, 2008, 04:07:59 PM »


I am having problem with this ass---- who just moved to the trailer park next to my campground.  To make long story short, he used to me my caretaker overseeing everything on my campground property and was also given permit to hunt on my land and he told me he was amazed at the size and number of animals seen on my property (deers, wild turkey, bobcats, bears, etc.) especially down in the Eastern North Carolina.  We had to take him to court because of some unpaid bills that was not part of the agreement and he recently stolen our antique tractor implements as well as almost 200 feet of copper wires from old poultry house that we were planning to convert into a huge shop and shed.

So knowing my enemy lives next door and his rented home is roughly 275 feet (estimated) from my homeplace.  I am looking to add wireless security cam to monitor what he is doing at home and I also want to add few wireless cam on my property monitoring my property line ensuring that he doesn't cross to hunt on my land but the corner of this side is 1,600 feet away.  I want to put few of them every 50-100 feet unless otherwise recommended and monitor to him so if he hunt on my land then I can notify NC Wildlife with evidence of videotape to get him in trouble with law.  Not only that but he is now on probation prohibiting from touching a gun of any kind so that could add up his penalty.  I know he will plan to try and hunt on my land because he ripped down our ribbons that mark our property line and I already notified adjoining property owner and warned the owner he is responsible for his tenants like I am responsible for my customer's action and advised him to ensure his tenants stay away from tree line (He owns 2 feet give or take of treeline).  Notification was send through certificated mail for legal purpose.

What do you recommend??  Thank in advance for answering my question!


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Re: Security cam for campground??
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2008, 04:16:49 PM »

I should add this that the cam shouldnt have red light or anything like that that would make it obviously during evening.  It should be as small as possible making it difficult to be visible from any distance.  I do realize that it could be challenging to power the cam especially when there is no power at 600ft-1,600ft because thats raw camping area without power and water hook-up for tent camping.  Drop cord would seem oddly and off for him and he would recognize what is going on.

HA Dave

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Re: Security cam for campground??
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2008, 01:39:10 AM »

I am having problem with ..........moved to the trailer park next to my campground........ my caretaker overseeing everything ......was also given permit to hunt on my land.......... recently stolen our antique tractor implements as well as almost 200 feet of copper wires ...........

So knowing my enemy lives next door and his rented home is roughly 275 feet (estimated) from my homeplace.  I am looking to add wireless security cam to monitor what he is doing at home and I also want to add few wireless cam on my property monitoring my property line ensuring that he doesn't cross to hunt on my land ........................ with evidence of videotape to get him in trouble with law.  Not only that but he is now on probation prohibiting from touching a gun of any kind so that could add up his penalty.  I know he will plan to try and hunt on my land .............

What do you recommend??  Thank in advance for answering my question!

I should add this that the cam shouldnt have red light or anything like that that would make it obviously during evening.  It should be as small as possible making it difficult to be visible from any distance.  I do realize that it could be challenging to power the cam especially when there is no power at 600ft-1,600ft because thats raw camping area without power and water hook-up for tent camping.  Drop cord would seem oddly and off for him and he would recognize what is going on.

Wow.... even though posts like this one are NOT uncommon.... they always make me a little sad.

If you have plenty of time... and a few extra dollars... one sentinel camera could cover a large area. It has great low-light ability's (and no IR red light) and an unbelievable zoom. However, you may want to check local laws before "watching" someone. I live in a state that has "stalking laws"... and what you've decribed you want to do... would possiably cross the line in my area.

Although MANY people have captured images of a high enough quality to take to the police.... it's not as easy [to do] as it sounds. IMHO... cameras work alot like locks on doors. They help keep honest people honest.  Cameras work best at detering crime.... instead of documenting it.

It may be cheaper, safer, quicker and a whole lot less messy... just to bribe your "enemy next door" to move away. Maybe working out a deal with his landlord could resolve the matter. Finding him a new apartment several miles away (say near a bar...with the 1st months rent pre-paid) may make life good again... for everyone.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2008, 01:42:26 AM by Dave_x10_L »
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Re: Security cam for campground??
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2008, 08:50:11 AM »

Well, There are a whole more to the story than you think.

First, the adjoining property owner, Tucker, purchased the land from good friend of my grandfather because he was going through bankruptics and upon becoming the owner, Tucker leased out the land to hunting club saying the whole property out back was his.  This grew a serious dispute between Tucker and my family that we hired an attorney who brother sold the land to us.  Tucker loses the case and were forced to pay out expenses (surveyors, legal expenses, full amount of profit from hunting club plus punitive damages).  This is how the ribbons of our property lines were marked, which unfortunately was ripped down by this bum.

Second, we are in the rural area very close to a county line so where do you think you are going to find an apartment "few miles away"??  Not a chance!  Major of property owners are what you would call "old money" farmer where there is a long line of rich farmers in neighboring area.  Recently, one of their antique tractor was stolen and guess who found it? Me!  I was paid reward money from the owner who lives in Charlotte.  The tractor was found on my property and I did report it to the law but they claimed it was not stolen so I contacted few farmers about it then was told to hold it safe overnight and the co-owner came down here from VA Beach, VA to help acquire it and put it in more secured place. 

Third, I have went in the Sheriff Dept and was in two and half hours interview with the detective to give them everything I know about this bum.  The detective said they are difficult to track because they kept moving and moving.  Not only that but they have a tend to do what they did with me..  make out a deal where they will become my "full-time slave" as long as I provide them a place to live, pay their light and water bills.  The only thing I was willing to do was provide a place to live and they have to work 25 hours a month with $10 paid in cash for each hour after 25.  Biggest mistake my mother made was turning light on for them and they gave plenty of good BS stories.  Anyway, good thing is that they forgot the fact they used my cellular phone when we first met and became friend so I was able to pull up many old numbers I didnt call and ran a reserve lookup to find a physical address then I paid the address a visit in different vehicle to find many junks in the yard and took pictures of them to give it to detective.  The law has been chasing them for 2 years because they are suspected for stealing a lot of coppers, metals, cars, items of value in homes, and etc.  So now they are working with new technical of getting people to haul their junks in to metal recycler and pay new people % so they wouldn't be tracked.  2-3 times a week, you see new vehicle coming out with their traremark trailer strong enough to pull heavy junk and the least I can do is help provide more information to the law by monitoring them from my home and feed detective informations so they could, hopefully, match up and build a strong case.

So now back to your suggestion of contacting the landlord, Tucker.  Well, We have already wrote him a letter and mailed it certificated informing him that One of his tenants is crossing property line and we have done our very best to keep our customers off his property because we are responsible for our customer's action and that it suggested he is resposnsible for his customer's action without insulting or offending him in any manner.  It seems to work because when the bum passed by my home, he gave me a middle finger but I could not help but to enjoy it then I went to check the spot where he put his roosters under the shade.  It was moved out of the shade!  Then he stoled my puppy as a payback.  As much as I'd love to bring my old self back where I was quite brutally in my 20's (I am in mid 30's) and I could threat to hurt his two little boys because knowing him, he has no emotional feeling about anything but his own two boys (His pride and joy) but honestly, his kids are innocent so why bring them in this?  It's between him/his wife and my family so I am working on a strategy.  One possible strategy is to find a woman who find him hot and wouldn't mind having a short summer fling with him then pay that woman money to break up their marriage and hope that she would fear for her life and maybe sons'??  Then hopefully she will in turn go to the law and spit a lot of history up and maybe it will be enough to put him away.  I am also thinking up of other strategy that doesn't involve violence. 

So any way I can to add up little things by little things to annoy him enough to move away.  One of sick joke I thought about playing on him is that he killed three deers and cleaned them up then put them in 55-gal barrel.  They havent been dumped and I can always dump them on my property close to where he stays letting up a strong foul odor for a while.  I have few more to dump once the odor disappear hoping it will creates more complain from other tenants and bring it to Tucker's attention to contact me.  Then I can suggest it will stop once he ask the bum to move.

But anyway so sorry to share personal life but whats the name of that cam?  Will it monitor without me having to sit at the computer or what??  I work part time and have to leave often, and he knows my schedule to do something while I am away and I need something that can still capture anything if he cross the property line and capture what he is bring back to his house.
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