Thanks for the quick response!

To answer your questions:
First, I set my AHP MS14A sensor module icon, the actual EagleEye MS14A sensor module/unit and my welcome lamp all have House/Unit code of A3. On the other hand, my welcome macro (see my previous post #2a. above) has an H/U code of B3. Is this correctly set-up? If not, what's the correct or better configuration?
Second, I think haven't actually successfully made any of my Smart Macros to work as desired. I set all macros under House code B (see #2. above). Again, is this correct or proper?
Third, WOW! I didn't know that the Tools/Clear History menu would serve as the "Recent Status/Refresh/Update" button for House/Unit codes shown in the X10 Historical Data display. Now my latest update only displays all my exisiting Green H/U codes and no more Red and Yellow icons which previously displayed (I though there were other X10 or automation RF/PLC signals from my neighbors). I'll have to observe for a couple of days to confirm if these are true. I also found out that when I press an unused unit code (e.g. A6) from my PalmPad HR12A remote and check Find Other Computers...the unused A6 displays as a Red icon/box as "Other Detected Codes" and the other unused Unit codes A13 to A16 display as Yellow icons.
For better clarification, here's my experimental starter AHP set-up:
1. My Room (for testing)A1 (Reserved for Lamp Moduel Testing)
A2 (Reserved for Appliance Module Testing)
B1 (Sample Macro 1)
B2 (Sample Macro 2)
2. Entrance AreaA3 (Entrance Lamp - Lamp Module LM465)
A4 (Entrance Sensor - EagleEye Sensor MS14A)
B3 (Smart Macro 1 - not yet working)
B5 (Smart Macro 2 - not yet working)
(Note: I want a macro that is triggered by my entrance sensor to turn On/OFF my entrance lamp only betw. 7pm-7pm daily only and the lamp must not turn on (remain OFF betw. 7am-7pm when natural light is bright) regardless if the entrance sensor detects motion or not. It must also be able to shift to MANUAL mode (without being triggered by the sensor or macro) vice-versa)
3. KitchenA8 (Kitchen Overhead Light - SocketRocket LM15A)
A9 (Coffee Maker/Rice Cooker - Appliance Module AM486)
4. Dining AreaA7 (Dining Stand Lamp - LM465)
5. BedroomA10 (Radio/CD Player - AM486)
A11 (Electric Fan - AM486)
A12 (Night Lamp - LM465)
B4 (Smart Macro 3 - not yet working)
(Note: I want my radio/CD player and night lamp to serve as wake-up alarm during specified times as well as turn it ON/OFF manually vice-versa)
6. Walk-in ClosetA5 (Closet Overhead Light - LM15A
A5 (Closet Sensor - MS14A)
I'm still planning to add more modules for my water hot/cold dispenser and some lamps and a camera/surveillance system soon (I'll have another set of questions by then..

So any better suggestions how to make my macros work or design good ones?
Also, I'd like to have an accurate and complete understanding about concepts on and how to use - preferably explained in a simple, clear manner:
a. Conditional Flags and its applications
b. Dummy/Phantom Modules and its applications
c. Monitored/Transceived Module applications
Thanks again.