I'm looking in All Rooms and each Smart Macro has the On swith dim(grey) and the Off switch bright(white). Is this to indicate that the On switch IS pushed and the Off switch(white) is WAITING to be pushed? If this is confusing to me than maybe x10 could update this to have a status light similare to the other modules such as lights. Did I simple miss something in the instructions? Sincerly.....
These indicate the macro's trigger condition.
You can 'press' those buttons, but this isn't the best place to program the macro's trigger condition. You would normally use the radio buttons at the top of the macro designer window where you select whether the trigger is from an on, or from an off command from another device or timer. You get to the macro designer window when you press the edit button below the on/off buttons.
Really these 'buttons' serve as indicators to show you whether the macro is triggered from an on command or an off command.
Example: if you have a PIR set to trigger a light, the trigger would be the ON condition of the PIR.
The corresponding macro would use the PIR's ON address (i.e A1 ON) as its trigger and the macro in 'all rooms' would have the ON indicator shaded grey on that macro (and the OFF indicator shaded yellow). This is confusing in that the dim/grey indicator is the one that shows the trigger condition of that macro, and not the bright indicator as you would expect.
Hope this helps...