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Author Topic: Can Macros Dim?  (Read 5888 times)


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Can Macros Dim?
« on: August 01, 2008, 08:58:49 PM »

I've "trialed an errored" myself into a corner.  I was playing with a motion sensor to turn lights on when I entered the room and turn off when the off code is sent when the motion sensor ceases to see any motion.  I had the same problem that I've read others have had about the macro working when you triggered it by clicking on it on the PC, but with the remote (or motion sensor) the switches move on the PC screen but nothing happens with the lights.  I tried setting the "issue on in place of 100% bright" and that did the trick as far as turning the lights on, but I do not want them at full brightness.  I tried putting 50% in for the first step, but just as before, switches move on screen but nothing happens to the lights.  I'm assuming that through a remote trigger the only thing that the lights will respond to is a "on" command and not a dim.  I said, OK well not that important, I'll issue a full on and then a dim right after to 50%.  This works, but every time there is motion the macro starts again and the light go up and dim down.  There has to be a way to have the macro remotely triggered for a dim......right?


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Re: Can Macros Dim?
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2008, 03:51:16 AM »

You will need to use a flag in your macros.

This will prevent multiple on triggers (from the sensor) from causing the 100% and dim commands to repeat.

So, you may program something like...

Trigger & Conditions: Lights triggered by PIR
   Axx On and
   Flag Status On exactly 2

   Clear flag 2 (this will prevent unwanted effects from further sensor activations)
   Switch lights on

where Axx is the house/module code of the PIR

Your 'lights off' macro (when the sensor clears - trigger Axx off) must include the command 'set flag 2' so conditions are set ready for the next 'Axx on' trigger.

Note: convention says don't use flags 1, 15 or 16 due to spurious effects
« Last Edit: August 02, 2008, 04:36:41 AM by dash »
Automation is great - but really frustrating when it doesn't work as expected !!


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Re: Can Macros Dim?
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2008, 08:54:57 AM »

By the way, I wanted to mention I am using all ws467's

1.) So in reading you advice, I didn't know what flags were.  Do I have to purchase additional software besides the Active Home Pro to get this functionality?
2.) Is there any way to dim lights on the first step without going to full brightness.
3.) Why in the world if I set up a macro to dim on the first step, it works if I click on it on the PC, but not with the remote, yet I see switches moving?  It works full full on as the first step.  Is this a flaw that should be corrected in a future update?
4.)  When I dim on the first step as mentioed above and click on it through the PC, it's almost like it starts dimming thinking that they are at 100% bright, yet they are just comming on so I wind up with maybe 20% when I'm trying to get to 50%.
5.) After doing the above (#4) I can move the slider to 100%, but this does not get the lights to 100%, I have to use the remote to keep upping the dimmer to actual 100%.  Is there a work around for this, will new software like smart macros accomlish this, or is this again just another flaw that may be covered in a future release?

Thanks for all your help.



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Re: Can Macros Dim?
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2008, 11:25:06 PM »


The bad news is that the "flags" are part of the Smart Macros package.  If you don't have this, you will not be able to implement the example provided by Dash.

While the Smart Macros software is available separately, you can usually get a package deal on the Cm15a, Smart macros, Onalert, Myhouse, and Iwatchout at the same price.

Prior to taking another "jump" into home automation software, lets try one other thing.  It's very possible that the WS467 switches you are using are a "new and enhanced" version.  If this is the case, these units do not interface very well with the AHP software.

Please try re-identifying the units as LM14a two way switches.  If this works, you will be using a different x10 command set known as "extended code direct dim" and it will allow you to turn the lights on directly to a specific level.



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Re: Can Macros Dim?
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2008, 07:23:49 PM »


You are the man.  I don't know why they couldn't tell me that at support. Thank you so much!  That is the answer.


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Re: Can Macros Dim?
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2008, 07:49:35 PM »

Another problem....this is weird.  Now, I have a simple macro set to dim B3 to 50%.  When I click on it on the PC, the B3 switch turns on and goes to 50% and so does the light.  Good right?....well not quite.  When I have the motion sensor do it.  The switch for B4 turns on and dims to 50%, yet the B3 light is still the one that actually comes on and dims.  The screen says that the b4 is on but is actually B3 that is on, yet it reports that B3 is off!  This only happens through remote trigger, not clicking on the macro.  Seems pretty weird to me.  I guess I can learn to live with this, but come on!


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Re: Can Macros Dim?
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2008, 09:47:48 PM »


I have to admit that it's been awhile since I've played with this.  I did some experimenting with my system to verify what you are seeing.  I'm sorry to say this, but it appears that you have a case of "Snafu" (situation normal, all fowled up).

Before I get further into this, let me caution you about "clicking" on a macro to execute it.  This is not at all the same as executing the macro via RF or powerline command.  Clicking on the macro bypasses all conditions (you may not have any) - it's simply a forced run.  Always troubleshoot/test your setup using the stimulus (RF/Powerline) that will actually be used when running.

Another problem....this is weird.  Now, I have a simple macro set to dim B3 to 50%.  When I click on it on the PC, the B3 switch turns on and goes to 50% and so does the light.  Good right?....well not quite.  When I have the motion sensor do it.  The switch for B4 turns on and dims to 50%, yet the B3 light is still the one that actually comes on and dims.  The screen says that the b4 is on but is actually B3 that is on, yet it reports that B3 is off!  This only happens through remote trigger, not clicking on the macro.  Seems pretty weird to me.  I guess I can learn to live with this, but come on

Well, I had composed a rather long winded response to the above.  The problem is I realized that it doesn't fit what you are seeing.

Do you have your B3 switch designated as a "2 Way Lamp Module"?

Is it possible that you didn't download changes to the interface?  This could explain why "clicking" the macro produces one result (run from the PC) while using your motion sensor (run from the CM15a) produces another.

From what I've seen, AHP will not update the switch status when running from a macro.  This is due to the fact that the 2-way module uses extended code communication.  I use the same 2-way interface for my Leviton switches.  Everything functions fine but AHP doesn't give a visual indication that the switch is on/off/dimmed?

Clear as mud right?



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Re: Can Macros Dim?
« Reply #7 on: August 07, 2008, 11:01:54 PM »

Thanks Boiler,

Ya, it's pretty cut and dry in this example though. No conditions and the interface has been cleared and downloaded to.  The lights work the same way in both scenarios (which is what counts) but when I run it manually by clicking, the B3 switch goes up (like it is supposed to).  When I run by remote, the B4 switch goes up and nothing happens to the B3 switch.  Just kind of confusing to look at the screen after macros run and it tells me lights are on that aren't and off that are.  Another thing I noticed is that I can repeat this through other scenarios.  When run by remote trigger, the switch displays that turn on are always +1 than the ones that are supposed to turn on.  For instance, if I have a macro that turns on B3, B6, and B9 and run by remote trigger, B4, B7, and B10 will turn on.  Once again, the appropriate lights are turning on, but the screen says otherwise.  It seems it has to be some kind of program error to me.  I'm just surprised that I haven't read about anyone else having it.

To answer your question....yes, I'm selecting the "2-way switch" under lamp modules.  This is the only way I could get my ws467's to work properly as you mentioned in a previous post.


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Re: Can Macros Dim?
« Reply #8 on: August 08, 2008, 11:26:38 AM »

Ya, it's pretty cut and dry in this example though. No conditions and the interface has been cleared and downloaded to.  The lights work the same way in both scenarios (which is what counts) but when I run it manually by clicking, the B3 switch goes up (like it is supposed to).  When I run by remote, the B4 switch goes up and nothing happens to the B3 switch.  Just kind of confusing to look at the screen after macros run and it tells me lights are on that aren't and off that are.  Another thing I noticed is that I can repeat this through other scenarios.  When run by remote trigger, the switch displays that turn on are always +1 than the ones that are supposed to turn on.  For instance, if I have a macro that turns on B3, B6, and B9 and run by remote trigger, B4, B7, and B10 will turn on.  Once again, the appropriate lights are turning on, but the screen says otherwise.  It seems it has to be some kind of program error to me.  I'm just surprised that I haven't read about anyone else having it.

To answer your question....yes, I'm selecting the "2-way switch" under lamp modules.  This is the only way I could get my ws467's to work properly as you mentioned in a previous post.

Now I'm confused. 
1) When I manually click on a macro, it sends the extended code command to B3 but I see no change in AHP (switch indicates off - light works properly).
2) When I activate via RF I see the same activity as in step 1).

What version of AHP are you running? I'm still using 3.204.

Do you have your Macro's located at the B4, B7 and B10 addresses?  If this is the case, the corresponding switches will always turn on in (within AHP) response to a RF trigger.  This will occur even if you have the RF transceive turned off.  Just another gotcha, and a good reason for not having units at the same housecode as a macro.

Here's an example of my setup -
Motion Sensor at B4 (night/day sensor would be at B5, but I've disabled it)
Macro (Bsmt stair on/off) at B4
Leviton Switch at B3 (Identified as a LM14a 2-way lamp module)
ALL Transceived Houscodes DISABLED within AHP.

Macro (Bsmt Stair on)

Trigger Conditions - B4 on and Flag 4 off
Set Flag4
Wait 1 Second
Set Bsmt Stair on and Dim to 16% (this will execute the extended code dim command)

Macro (Bsmt Stair off)
Trigger Conditions - B4 on
Wait 1 Minute
Set Bsmt Stair Off
Clear Flag 4

Here's how the above works -
1) On receipt of the 1st trigger from my motion sensor - both macro's execute.
1a) Macro (bsmt stair on) sets flag 4 (prevents the macro from being retriggered) and turns on the lamp at 16%.
1b) Macro (bsmt stir off) starts a 1 minute timer.

2) If a second RF trigger is received within the 1 minute wait period, Macro (Bsmt Stair Off) will restart it's 1 minute wait.  Macro (Bsmt Stair On) will not execute since flag 4 has been set.  You can extend a macro's execution indefinitely by re-triggering within the wait period. This will only work if the wait is the FIRST statement in the macro.  If the wait statement occurs later in the macro, a new "copy" of the macro will be launched when it's re-triggered (multiple copies will be running).

3) When no triggers occur during the 1 minute wait, Macro (Bsmt stair off) completes by turning off the lamp and clearing Flag 4 (Re-enables Macro Bsmt stair on).

With the above setup, I do not get any B3 indication from AHP (B3 always shows off even though AHP is turning it on and off using extended code commands).

If I were to put a "phantom" switch at B4 (same address as the macro) this phantom would turn on and off with each receipt of the RF output from the motion sensor.  Since I have the all housecode set to Not Transceive, no X10 would be placed on the powerline for B4.

One last comment on your WS467's - they may have a feature called "resume dim" (My Leviton units have this).  This feature allows the switch to return to the previous level when it is turned back on -

Example :  if the switch was turned on to 30% and then turned off, a following "on" command would return the switch to 30%.

This has driven people nuts over the years.  Fortunately, the extended code commands bypass this "feature" and send the light directly to the proper level - unless you use a 100% on command within the macro.  If you use 100% on within a macro, AHP will send a simple "B3 On" command.  Now, since your switch has the resume dim feature, it will go to the last dim level it received (not 100%).

The solution here is to program macro to send 99% on instead of 100%.  With 99% AHP with send the extended code command and the switch will respond properly.

An alternate solution (not recommmended) would be to disable the "Send on in place of bright 100%" within the preferences tab.  With this disabled, AHP will use the extended code command for 100% on - However, if you have any "standard" light/lamp modules, AHP will send a series of "Bright" commands instead of a simple "ON" (extremely undesirable).

Sorry for the information overload.  Please compare what I have above with your setup.  I'd like to understand what you're seeing with the "housecode + 1" activity.

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