Rather than start a new thread along the same lines, I'll just jump in here with a similar problem.

I am in Australia with a CM15+AHP & SC28 Security Console.
I just got excited and purchased from a USA reseller the following;
MS14A EagleEye Motion Sensor
MS10A Security Motion Sensor
DS10A DoorWindow Sensor
KR22A Credit Card Controller
KR10A Security Keyfob Remote
SS13A StyleSwitch
I tried the KR22A, KR10A, SS13A; but none of them worked. So is this an incompatible RF issue?
Will I have the same problems as
betatester in that the OnAlert software will not work with my CM15+AHP?
Will either of the MS14A, MS10A, DS10A work with my setup?
I did read that someone had problems with the DS10A & CM15; any thoughts on this?
I can purchase most of the stuff locally, but the prices are absurd.

If I can save a few bucks I'd like to keep what is compatible, and return the rest.
I'll put it down to a learning curve.