How ironic, just about a week or so ago I rebuilt a system to transfer home operations from the laptop to the a desktop at the home. Did not notice then, but now (thanks to this post) check to see that the updated system at home does have the newer version 3.236 on it. The system set up at the business is still the 3.228. So one main thing I have noticed so far, version 3.236 on my home system is picking up the old talked about PTZ signal on and a time later off, throughout the day and night. Never seen that before at home on version 3.228 or the business ( have cams not PTZ ). Don't have any cams of anykind running yet at home and cant seem to track down it relationship with anything at home. I am setting up a chime to to the same HC / UC as the signal but don't quote me on this but sure it has changed its HC/UC. . Maybe neighbour's, long chance, will observe, There is some other strange behavior but still in the setup stage. Just a note.
p.s. Ver 3.228 does not update to Ver. 3.236, tells u you have the newest version already, no update needed.