Hi everybody,
I am trying to control some lamps using the CM11 module and the LM 12 module produced by marmitek. But I have some problems with the protocoll. I guess it should be the same for all X10 devices but I link it
http://www.marmitek.com/nl/software/PROTOCOL.DOCThe thing I don't understand is the header. As is understand the left most 5 bit range from 0 to 22. So the highest combination for them is 10110. That should dim the lamp to 0. And I guess that setting the 5 bits to 0 schould turn the lamp to 100%. Turning the lamp off works. But turning on doesn't. I tried the following. Here is the console output:
Writing: 4
Writing: 66
Read 1 Byte ### Content: 6a,0
Writing: 0
Read 1 Byte ### Content: 55,0
Writing: 6
Writing: 64
Read 1 Byte ### Content: 6a,0
Writing: 0
Read 1 Byte ### Content: 55,0
First I address device A1 sending 0x04 and 0x66, got the right checksum 0x6a, send 0x00 for ok and get 0x55, signaling that the interface is ready. Next I try to dim. I write 0x06 (00000110) and 0x64 (01100100) with checksum 0x6a. As I understood, this should turn the light on but nothing happens

What am I doing wrong?
And what are the first 5 bit for, if I am using just a function like "On". I guess they should all be 0 but I don't know exactly. Maybe anyone can give me an example how to turn on a light without using the dim function?
I am writing my program in Java using the rxtx package. The dim example given in the protocoll does its job, so I guess the issue is on how to handle the protocoll.
Please help