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Author Topic: Will the PR511 turn on the UX23A?  (Read 5898 times)


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Will the PR511 turn on the UX23A?
« on: December 15, 2008, 09:32:12 AM »

Hi all, I have been reading this board off and on for a year now. I just got some time to set my system up. I can get my UX23A to turn my VCR on with the MS16A Active eye sensors but I have to be within about 15 feet of the UX23A for it to work. Is this norman range for the MS16A? Can I set my PR511 up to turn the UX23A? I have been trying to make the PR511 work with the UX23A but can't get it to work. Thanks for the replies.

HA Dave

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Re: Will the PR511 turn on the UX23A?
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2008, 03:17:52 PM »

............ Can I set my PR511 up to turn the UX23A? I have been trying to make the PR511 work with the UX23A but can't get it to work.

Yeah... the hardwired floodlights (PR511) are awesome! I use them as part of my setup... but they don't send RF signals.. the floodlights only send the PLC (powerline commands). I also found the detection range (and detection abilities) of the "eye" motion detectors to be less desireable than the floodlights too.

My solution: I use AHP (Active Home Pro) with the CM15A interface to send the RF signal needed for the VCR commanders. The CM15A doesn't have the worlds greatest range ether... just a heads up. I found ways to centrally locate cameras inputs which I then redistribute using my own internal cable TV network. It takes just a tad more setup... but it allows me to have "activated camera views to pop-up" on TV's that are on when motion is detected.

If your already using AHP... setting up a send RF to the UX23A is all you have to do. If you haven't moved up the AHP yet... I would reconmend it! I am including a couple links to my YouTube Videos so you can see my setup in action. The Cameras on the TV video [called] Activity Detected and a longer video that better shows the PR511 setup as well as the BVC voice command setup.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2009, 02:24:29 AM by -Bill- (of »
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Re: Will the PR511 turn on the UX23A?
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2008, 08:18:19 PM »

Thanks for the reply, I don't have Active Home Pro yet. I have multi view at this time. This is the program that came in the package deal when I bought it. As you can tell I am a newbie and this is all greek to me. I have been fooling with the multi view program but don't have it working yet. I will have to do more reading for now but may take your advice and buy Active Home Pro.

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