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Author Topic: Transmitter that looks exactly like a normal light switch - on/off/dim - 1 addr  (Read 25369 times)


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Come on, it can't be that hard to make a transmitter that looks and feels exactly like a regular light switch.  All it has to do is send on, off, and dim signals to 1 address.The biggest problem that I have with my X10 system is that I have to use unusual controllers.  My wife hates it.

Alan V

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Come on, it can't be that hard to make a transmitter that looks and feels exactly like a regular light switch.  All it has to do is send on, off, and dim signals to 1 address.The biggest problem that I have with my X10 system is that I have to use unusual controllers.  My wife hates it.

If it looks and feels exactly like a regular light switch, then how would you send a dim command?


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Actually, Leviton does make transmitters that look just like ordinary "Decora" light switches.  The one that looks exactly like a standard switch does ON/OFF (with true rocker action).  The one that does dimming includes two little arrows to ramp brightness up and down.  The only real difference from an ordinary light switch is that the throw is shorter and there isn't a positive "click" when the light turns on or off.

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Are you wanting a switch to control a light that is hard wired....... or are you looking for a switch with a built in transmitter to control another x10 module?
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If the Decora look is not to your liking, Smarthome makes toggle style switches (Insteon) that are backward X10 compatible.  These will not look exactly like a normal toggle (the switch is in the middle of it's throw under normal conditions), nor will the "click" like a standard mechanical switch.  Like the Leviton, they are "true rocker action" (toggle up for on, down for off, hold for bright/dim).

 These will also send on/off/bright/dim commands when operated locally.  Like the Leviton units, these are programmed using "address capture" - you will need a device capable of sending 3 consecutive address commands to set their address (mini or maxi controller are the easiest).


Alan V

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Actually, Leviton does make transmitters that look just like ordinary "Decora" light switches.  The one that looks exactly like a standard switch does ON/OFF (with true rocker action).  The one that does dimming includes two little arrows to ramp brightness up and down.  The only real difference from an ordinary light switch is that the throw is shorter and there isn't a positive "click" when the light turns on or off.


Right, but it doesn't feel like a regular light switch. 


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The only real difference from an ordinary light switch is that the throw is shorter and there isn't a positive "click" when the light turns on or off.

Right, but it doesn't feel like a regular light switch.

Isn't that what I said?

X-10 automation since the BSR days

Alan V

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The only real difference from an ordinary light switch is that the throw is shorter and there isn't a positive "click" when the light turns on or off.

Right, but it doesn't feel like a regular light switch.

Isn't that what I said?

Esentially yes.  I guess I'm being just too picky.


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I appreciate the responses.

I have one regular switch that controls the top of two outlets (for controlling lamps etc.)   I just want to install an X10 switch that looks exactly like the existing switch.  I would replace the box and install a double gang box keeping the existing switch and putting the new one in.  Then I could control another outlet, or sets of outlets that share the same address.  I could even control additional appliance or lamp modules.  The elegance comes in the fact that my wife, and others visiting the home, would not know which switches are X10 because they would all look and act so similarly that it would not matter.  As it is now, I have to explain why the switches look and act differently.  Regarding the dimming questions, the switch does not even have to be able to dim.  The most critical part of the equation is that it looks like the other switches.
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