Pull up man page heyu(1) and follow the procedure in section HEYU CLEANUP down near the end.
When you changed the serial port to /dev/ttyS1, I assume you edited the TTY directive in your Heyu config file to match.
BTW, I assume you know that the serial port is /dev/ttyS1 and not /dev/ttys1.
Thanks Charles - I've joined the Yahoo group and have followed the cleanup instructions as they mentioned there.
No help.
Yeah - sorry for the typo, I know it's /dev/ttyS3.
I ran gdb last night, and I too am dying in the tcgetattr() call.
I looked at my WS2308 and X10 Controller code and I see tcgetattr() commented out, and replaced with a memset() call.
I can't recall why I may have done that...
And - it could be the port - this port, COM4, ttyS3, is a Cardbus card with a DB-9 serial port - I suppose it could be configured weirdly by Ubuntu.
It's not a native, on the motherboard, with a real UART type of port!
Now -- I know the card is OK - as it worked ok with that X10 Code running under Cygwin.
What I'll do is slide the CM11A over to ttyS0, which is the native com port on the machine.
If that works - then I'll know there's something funky with the Cardbus RS232 port.
And if it works - I'm golden, since I can move my weather station code to ttyS3, since I don't call tcgetattr().
thanks guys.
I'll do some debugging and report back.
Maybe there's a lesson to learn buried deep in here.