I got my whole system wired up. Apparently the only place i can plug a lamp into is the same outlet the AHP controler is plugged into. NO other outlet in the house will work.
can't say much for the phase of the wiring but AHP said i shouldn't use any of house code A because of unknowns and random other red blocks appear around the codes i have tested.
I do have Multiple CFL lights throughout the house. And i have UPS's for the computer along with power conditioners for my amps in the same room... but the X10 devices are not going thru any of the conditioners, they are straight into the wall.
Remember that the devices interferring with your X-10 signals don't have to be plugged in to the same socket as your modules, for example, I have a Monster Power Manager for my Home Theater and it just sucks X-10 signals righ off the wires in a sort of random pattern, but my guess is they are plugs wired downstream from the power manager, same for my APC UPS on my computer.
http://jvde.us/xtb/xtb_ordering.htm Here is a link to a DIY or they will build one for you. Not UL rated, check your home indurance policy, many void e;ectrial fire coverage if using non-UL rated devices!
http://www.x10.com/pro/automation/xppf.htm -- Here is an X-10 Plug in Filter to isolate signal suckers only good for 5A loads.
http://www.x10.com/pro/automation/xpf.htm -- Another X-10 made unit good for up to 20A, given that any given typical circuit is limited to 15Am this should really do well. Electrician required or highly suggested!!
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?MfcISAPICommand=ViewItem&item=400018580465 Here id a phase couple that does not require an eledtrician.
I could go on, but you get the idea.
What you really need to do is see what your actual problem is:
1. Some Device plugged in that is generating noise that messes up X-10 (Solution: Filter that device)
2. Some device plugged in is sucking up the X-10 Signals off the line, same solition as #1
3. Multi-phase issues, controls on one phase and modules on anoher. (Get a phase coupler)
4. You are getting Noise or X-10 signals external to your house. (Get a whole home noise isolator)
You can spend a lot of money finding out, or use more "brute force" methods.
1. Modules not responding
a. Make sure the module works
b. Try the modules different sockets (May be phase issue or noise/signal sucker issue)
2. X-10 modules coming on / off without commands
a. Clear your logs, using the AHP Find Other Computers to see if legit commands are entering your house.
b. will likely need a whole home filter (electrician needed unless you are very savvy)
3. Motion detectors or other RF modules don't work from their intended location
a. Try moving them closer, if they work, then you likely have a signal strangth issue, get a repeater or add home brew antenna's/
There are a lot of potential issues and answers to all that I am aware of, the cost of the fix often depends on your ability to make the mod yourself or have to buy a solution.
Good Luck!