I have a DS7000 that is several years old and it works perfectly, I decided to get another one and set it up and noticed that when dis-armed and a motion is tripped the zone on the DS7000 console does not light. I checked my old one and any time a motion (MS10A) is triggered the Zone Light for that motion detector goes on until the motion detector resets.
I called Tech Support a couple of weeks ago and they had me return it, I did and got the new one today and it is acting the exact same way, I suspect either a bad production run, bad luck on my part, or a material change in the way the DS7000 works.
I will go through the steps I used to set it up, perhaps someone here can see where I might be going wrong, or let me know if they have the same issue(feature). I will also quote from page 20 of the X-10 DS7000 Manual that suggests to me that this is perhaps a bad run of the units.
1. Plug in DS7000 to 110VAC Power and Install Battery
2. Put the Run 1/2/Install Switch in Install
3. Register a SH624 Security Remote Control (Hear a Ding)
4. Move the Run Switch to Run 1
5. Test the remote by pressing Arm and the Armed Light comes on the DS7000 with one Ding
6. Test the remote by pressing DisArm and the Armed Light Goes Out with 2 Dings
7. Put 4 fresh "AA" batteries in a MS10A, Press the Code Button to give it a new random code
8. Put the Run Switch in Install
9. Press the Test Button on the MS10A, Zone 1 Light Comes on and one Ding
10. Put the Run Switch back to Run 1
11. Press the Arm Away on the Remote (SH624), Get One Ding, Armed Light On
12. Move to trigger the Motion Detector Installed on Zone 1
13. Alarm Goes off, Zone 1 Light comes on Solid, Armed Light Flashes
14. Press DisArm on the Remote
15. Zone One Light Still on, Armed Light Flashing, Noise Stops, 2 Dings
16. Press Lights Off on the Remote, Armed Light Goes off, Zone 1 Light Goes Off
So far so good....
Now in DisArmed mode I trigger motion, No Zone Light at all, on my other DS7000 that Zone for the Motion Triggered comes on in Disarm mode until the motion detector resets, but of course does not set off the alarm since it is not armed. The is an essential feature to find a "stuck" motion zone that happens once in a while, too often to have to guess at which motion is stuck, I use 6 motions in my Security system, 2 on each floor of the house.
Last time I called this in to X-10 Tech Support, they said, no problem, it is broken, the gave me a RMA and I returned it, then the replacement came today and has the exact same problem. (BTW -- Neither had the issue with Door/Window Sensors)
So the bottom line is, that everything seems to work right except the zone light for a MS10A Security Motion does not come the newer DS7000's at least the 2 I have got so far. (Run 1 or Run 2 makes no difference in the problem)
Other Notes:
1. I tested it with several MS10A's, old ones from my older system and new ones, same result, not zone light in DisArm.
2. I tested a new MS10A with my old DS7000 (Installed in Zone 7) and it worked perfectly, when the old DS7000 was DisArmed and I triggered that new MS10A, the Zone 7 LED came on until the motion detector reset.
3. Door/Window Sensors do light the zone light even when disarmed, in Run 1 just the zone light comes on, in Run 2 you get the chime"
Finally, from Page 20 of the "Supervised Security System, Model DS7000" Manual ID: DS7000_h11498b_031106, Page 20
"Testing the Motion Sensor" -- Quoted exactly:
"To Test A motion Sensor
- Set the Slide Switch to RUN1 or RUN2.
- Press the TEST button on the back of the Motion Sensor. TheConole's zone indicator for the Motion Sensor blinks on to acknowledge.
This does not happen on the 2 DS7000's I got recently, but it does happen on my older one.
I am hoping someone reading this forum might have some "juice" with X-10", this is the first time I have ever had a problem with them where it does look like I will get any help, they are trying to tell me this is how it is supposed to work now, last time (2 weeks ago it was broken and now it is a "feature"... )
Basically the help I am asking forum members for is for anyone anyone with a DS7000 with MS10A motions to try this and see if their Zone Lights comes on when their motion is tripped while the DS7000 is not armed and post their results I know I am not crazy since it works on my older one, but it could be X-10 has changed the DS7000 so if you get no light in disarmed, plese post the approx date you got your DS7000, if you do get a zone light like I do, again please post about the date (MO/YR) you got your DS7000.
Thanks for your help!

Last request, if you don'y care about this "feature" and have a DS7000 that works, I will gladly buy you a new one and trade you for the one that shows zone lights like my old one does. (I'll even pay the shipping)