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Author Topic: On Alert with only a KR10A (no console)  (Read 17803 times)

Tony Olson

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On Alert with only a KR10A (no console)
« on: July 26, 2009, 06:02:37 PM »

I've had the OnAlert Plug-in for sometime but just started to attempt to use it recently and started setting up DS10A devices etc. Everything seems to go as planned (the new macro conditions etc). My question has to do with the KR10A device and just what it is able to give me as far as it's buttons via AHP. When I installed it I made sure I checked the "Is this module installed in a security Console?" box as advised in other threads.

After I setup a number of security macros I attempted to "ARM" the KR10A device (while looking at the AHP screen) and the little icon at the bottom showed "Armed Away" which was good. Here's what my question is about - I tried to "Disarm" but couldn't (icon didn't change). I assume if I "Disarm" any security macros would not be executed on any trigger (open door/window)?

I presume the lights on/off buttons are useless without a console (PS561) of some sort? When was the last update of this Plug-in?


Dan Lawrence

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Re: On Alert with only a KR10A (no console)
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2009, 06:28:49 PM »

The KR10 is a key chain remote, it needs a Console Unit to talk to, not just AHP with the On Alert plug-in.
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Re: On Alert with only a KR10A (no console)
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2009, 11:23:58 PM »

Actually you don't need the PS561 to use OnAlert.  You can use the KR10A to arm and disarm OnAlert and should install the Security Remote unchecking the "Is this module installed in a Security Console" box on installation.  Having said this I assume you know that the PC and OnAlert has to be running.  Or am I misreading your question ?

Tony Olson

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Re: On Alert with only a KR10A (no console)
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2009, 09:55:24 AM »

Thanks Dan and JMac. I'm running AHP 3.228.

Actually to get the KR10A device to execute the "ARM - away" command I had to add the KR10A with the check box checked on the "Is this module..." question. I setup macros to execute on a door opened/closed which worked fine as long as I was logged in and OnAlert running. I couldn't get it to Disarm. It just stayed on Arm away. (I'm opening/closing my door and the macros kept executing)

I'm trying to "read in" KR10A things/buttons that aren't active when a console isn't present. For instance a Disarm turns off console sirens et al per the KR10A instructions.

I'd like it (Disarm) to turn off macro execution and provide me away to use the other KR10A buttons (emulate a KR10A console if you will) when only a KR10A is used. This would be a programming issue I imagine.  >!

Thanks again.


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Re: On Alert with only a KR10A (no console)
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2009, 07:13:06 PM »

I use the KR10A remote as macro activators - ARM hits an else macro that turns on/off the fish tank light depending on its current state. These remotes are installed into AHP but not into a console. Everything works fine for me like this, but they are not security macros that I am running.

I installed a spare KR10A into AHP and told it that it was also installed into a security console. Hitting ARM on this remote now sets the icon on AHP to ARMED AWAY, hitting DISARM shows in the system monitor as an RF receipt but does not change the icon - I don't know if this is an undocumented feature or if the KR10A is supposed to disarm the console and the console then tells AHP that the system is disarmed; could be either way. At least this confirms that at least one system other than yours is doing the same thing.

I'm not sure if using flags could be a way around your problem. Someone else could probably advise better, but a thought would be...
Conditional MACRO runs only if FLAG A is set

I think this would accomplish what you're trying to do, except with using one of the user definable flags instead of the preset ARMED/DISARMED flag from within AHP.

Of course, I could be entirely wrong as usual; just ask my wife  :)
Although my explanations may not be exactly clear, I do hope for slightly less cloudy.

Tony Olson

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Re: On Alert with only a KR10A (no console)
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2009, 07:19:50 PM »

Thanks beelocks. I was thinking about using Systems flags. Now I'm still setting up DS10A devices and creating security macros for the Windows/Doors. I'll keep your reply for reference (and make mods to the macros later).

HA Dave

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Re: On Alert with only a KR10A (no console)
« Reply #6 on: July 27, 2009, 08:07:55 PM »

...... Of course, I could be entirely wrong as usual; just ask my wife 

Those wife's can keep us humble. However your post give me the impression you understand AHP, Macros, flags, and OnAlert quite well beelocks. I've never used the KR10A within AHP/OnAlert... I do use the DS7000.

But there are MANY posts here at the forum about using the door-window sensors (DS10A) with AHP and OnAlert... to accomplish all sorts of things. I even automated a chair (just for snickers and grins)... and made a YouTube Video about it. This was a steven r idea.
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Re: On Alert with only a KR10A (no console)
« Reply #7 on: July 27, 2009, 08:52:38 PM »

OK - In my situation I use the PS561 and OnAlert and had never tried to use the KR10A with OnAlert only.  I had a spare KR10A and just installed this remote with the box checked (Security Module Configuration) and created two simple macros, one to turn on a light (armed) and on to turn it off (disarmed).  In each instance the system armed or disarmed status symbol was appropriately displayed in the status bar.  If the remote is installed with the box unchecked the system armed status symbol does not change with remote activation of the macro.  Does this help, or just muddy the water more ??
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