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Author Topic: New email address  (Read 11057 times)


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New email address
« on: June 19, 2009, 11:20:52 AM »

As many of you know, newsgroups such as comp.home.automation are not the resource they once were.  I think this is largely because most Internet providers no longer offer direct access to them.  AT&T Worldnet will be dropping their access in July.

I have been with AT&T since the beginning.  Even though they don't provide local access here, I kept my AT&T account alive to retain my original email address, and for access to their newsgroups.  I also originally hosted the X10 troubleshooting and XTB info on their site.  That has all been ported over to, and I no longer maintain those AT&T webpages.  Since I must use a local ISP to access the web, I can no longer justify the monthly AT&T charge just to retain that email address.

I have created the gmail account xtbjeff to replace my long-standing AT&T address.  (JeffVolp was already taken.)  I can also be reached through my own website

Now the problem is informing the zillions of people and businesses who access me through the AT&T address…

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steven r

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Re: New email address
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2009, 12:06:49 AM »

...Now the problem is informing the zillions of people and businesses who access me through the AT&T address…
I feel your pain. I've been through a few providers and am glad I set up an account with Yahoo early in the game. Several years ago I signed up for their premium account for a few bucks a year. It gives me ad free access with no ads attached to my emails as well as a few other features such as unlimited disposable addresses (I think gmail may have something similar now.)

At the risk of having your spam follow you, maybe you could run both accounts concurrently for a month or two. If possible, set up an auto reply with your new email address through your ATT account or have it forward email to the new account.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2009, 12:08:41 AM by steven r »
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