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Author Topic: am466 applaince Module always on  (Read 6871 times)


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am466 applaince Module always on
« on: June 20, 2009, 10:43:24 AM »

I am new to x10

I just plugged in a new X10 AM466 appliance module to a tape deck.  I have no controller plugged in or motion detector active.

The tape deck was tuned on and running before I plugged it into the Appliance Module.  Once the tape deck was plugged into the module it continued to play, even though the motion detector was deactivated ( I removed the batteries) and the wireless receiver, PAT 01 was not plugged in.

I plugged the PAT 01 wireless Receiver into an outlet. The tape deck continued to play.  I installed batteries in the Eagle Eye motion detector.  The tape deck continued to play even when no motion was detected for 10 minutes.

I tried the same set up yesterday using the motion detector and receiver, and the tape deck shut off when there was no motion and came on with motion detected, as it should.

Any ideas as to what is wrong?


Brian H

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Re: am466 applaince Module always on
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2009, 11:38:58 AM »

The AM466 has a mechanical alternating switch in it. From the factory it may have been tested and shipped in the On position.
So it was On when you tested it. Appliance Modules are that way. They stay in the same condition On or Off at power up from when power was removed.

Was the PAT01 in the same location for both tests?

Was the Motion detector in the same location for both tests?

The location may play a role in this if the tests where from different locations. As there are power line factors that can effect the communications.

The X10 wiki has some good data on all the motion sensors and other X10 devices.

Also the Eagle Eye has a Dusk Dawn sensor in it that sends an on and off at dusk and dawn. It is on the Motion Address +one. So motion on lets say B1 will have Dusk dawn on B2. So devices on B2 may go on and off if you are not watching addresses.
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