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Author Topic: Need help/suggestions for intercom idea with BVC  (Read 7360 times)


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Need help/suggestions for intercom idea with BVC
« on: August 01, 2009, 12:55:04 PM »

Hi guys. I've been browsing through the forums here and have found a wealth of information. Thanks and kudos to you all!
I need a suggestion on what would be the best way to implement a system for 2 way communication between me and my computer running BVC from anywhere in the house. I would like the sound to be crisp and clear, voice activated, and not conflict with my x10 signals. I had an idea to use the x10 cameras I have set up around the house for the mics, but haven't been able to get them to not pick up background noise. Maybe I'm doing something wrong.  What would you guys suggest be the best solution?

Thanks in advance!


HA Dave

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Re: Need help/suggestions for intercom idea with BVC
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2009, 09:13:25 PM »

........ I had an idea to use the x10 cameras I have set up around the house for the mics, but haven't been able to get them to not pick up background noise.

Sound is sound... least that's all a microphone is smart enough to know.

I run a simple babymonitor setup. I had experimented with a few things back when I was new to BVC (called BXVC back then). The microphone setup was a big part of the discussions about Voice Command in those days. There was only two schools of thought [on microphones] back then. The standard Voice/Speech Recognition setups (used by HAL and Homeseer) recommended a gated microphone setup. Those are nice... but pricey... and always hardwired. Then there was this guy glt that was using standard RF intercoms sold at radioshack.

Then one morning... my stepson mentioned he heard the neighbors weather-radio warning over the babymonitor the previous night. I tried the baby monitors (Walmart's cheapest at $17 a set) the next day. I had always planned on switching over to intercoms... I just never got around to it ... or needed to.

My home is pretty quite I don't need to use an intercom. But the intercom can serve a duel use... being both microphones and speakers. There are some posts here by users of the intercoms... a little searching should find them.
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