As I mentioned before users need to communicate with software developers.
Let them know what your after or need so they're software better suits your needs.
There have been a few examples of this working.
KENRADs communication with Nitrogen Logic on the Kinect implementation led to code created to enable it to send commandline arguments to other software. (the other software needed to be able to accept commandline commands).
ihouse has gotten expanded zwave functions and is able to comunicate with other programs
I've implemented VR into PCC (something I said I wouldn't do

)to enable users with newer Windows versions to have voice activation.
TAC now has a Security Screen which displays a touch pad.
For those that follow my posts on
My forum know the developement progress of my programs.
PCC and TAC have gotten the most work lately as I continue to improve the intergrations.
However the
BlueWatch programs (currently in testing) are also being worked on to improve occupancy sensing by intergrating with a tablet running the TAC security screen.
I've had requests to add other features to some programs that I can't follow up on as yet as hardware limitations prevent this.
I haven't ruled out the additions of these and continue to look into them.
Users here continue to impress me with how software (not just mine) has been implemented!
Some things I thought were possible only in the future are now a reality.
Dave Don't Stop working on this!It has truely inspired me to continue coding to improve the HA experiance.