.....I had better luck with the mic and mixer setup but as knightrider pointed out (and I think he is correct) a compressor is needed...
And that would [also] be my expectations. Generally speaking you get what you pay for.
Knightrider's setup is the recommended configuration for a professional setup.
Knightrider is much more knowledgeable about audio equipment than myself... and much of what he's done is [technically] over my head.
Getting good audio to the PC has always been the "perceived" major difficulty with speech recognition. A decade ago... I purchased Dragon's Natural Speaking... which came with it's own "special" microphone. That was Dragon's way of dealing with the public perception of required audio quality requirements.
When I found BVC (BXVC back then) the microphone setup was at the center of conversations. I decided to do some research as well as testing. What I learned was: All a PC (and BVC) needs...
or can use.. for speech recognition is 8 bit mono sound. That is generally what is referred to as "telephone quality". I used different devices to get that phone quality voice to my PC. Handheld CB radios failed, but most tries were successful.
Although some fiddling and adjusting is required... most often this involves lowering the volume much more than would seem reasonable. I've posted all of my experiences and information and do what I can to help. Whatever method or devices you use is... of course fine with me.
I don't think anyone could do any better than to mimic
Knightrider's microphone setup.