I've looked into the z-wave/schlage wireless lock. I'd hate to totally rely on that. My idea of Hell is one where the house refuses to cooperate due to a reboot. Would really stink if I were locked out in the cold hoping that a MS computer would unfreeze before I froze. Good thing you still get the option of the key.
Point is that ALL of this HA stuff isn't 100%. Its great having BVC run my house, but it's better knowing that I can still hit the wall switch when all else fails.
I learned long ago not to depend on one type of heat (wood, oil, electric or the fireplace, plus a kerosene emergency heater and a propane one as well), on one phone type (cell and land), not to depend on the rural electric co-op to keep my lights on all the time (generator), or even county water to prevent the occasional water main break (still got the old well).