Since iHouse and AHP don't at present, play nice together, many are leary of test running this.
I then found a thread on the iHouse forums where a user installed iHouse onto a thumb drive and it worked anywhere.
So I thought about installing iHouse making a copy to another folder then uninstall from the other(original)folder.
This leaves the backup in tack and also allowed AHP On Alert to work
iHouse seen the CM15A as connected and all was well.
Until A1 was turned off
, once iHouse was shut down a restart wouldn't detect the CM15A.
As long as A1 remained OFF iHouse wouldn't work (always seen the CM15A as not connected)
Luckily TJ found the issue
and in the next update the A1 On issue should be fixed.
Until then anyone wishing to do the workaround for On Alert will have to make sure
A1 is On before you open iHouse.