Now that I have
Occupancy Sensing working flawlessly via
Tuicemen’s BlueWatchadd-on for AHP, I’ve revised my lighting schemes, simplified several macros and removed my garage door sensing as the basis of occupancy controls.
I've also modified all of my Rooms, HouseCodes and Unit numbers...I think it works better, helps me remember addresses and allows better control with
hand held remotes and Stick Up Switches.
B = Bed/Bath
D = Den
G = Garage
H = Handheld remotes
I = Inactive (Devices and Macros that I don't want to discard, yet)
K = Kitchen
L = Living Room
M = Macros
O = Outdoors
The Garage Door system worked fine…unless I needed to take out the trash or go to the mailbox thru the opened garage door.
Then, it threw the sequence off, darkening my entry path and Den other words, I couldn't open the garage unless I
was leaving. So much for logical thinking.

With Tuicemen's
BlueWatch running on my HA PC and a BT device permanently installed and constantly
powered by the car’s battery, I’ve got the new macros running.
o I want the garage lights to turn on every time the overhead door is opened.
o I want the garage lights to remain on for 2 minutes after the door is closed when I come home after dark.
o I want the garage lights to turn off immediately when I’m departing.
o I want the Den lights to come on when I arrive home after dark
o I want all house lighting to turn off when I depart during daytime hours
o I want specific lighting to turn off when I depart during night hours
I use appliance modules assigned to F1 and F2 to provide manual control and monitoring on AHP.
F1 on sets Flag 1 (night)
F1 off clears Flag 1 (day)
dusk to dawn timer controls F1
F2 on sets Flag 2 (occupied)
F2 off clears Flag 2 (away)
Tuicemen’s BlueWatch controls F2
I use a Powerflash module (G1) with magnetic switch to sense the Garage door position
MACROSMacro 1 (Garage Lights ON) Trigger G1 OFF
Turn Garage Lights (G2) ON
Macro 2 (Garage Lights OFF) Trigger G1 ON
WAIT for 2 minutes
Turn Garage Lights (G2) OFF
Macro 3 (Away Nighttime) Trigger G1 ON and
Flag Status On – 1 and
Flag Status Off – 2
End Trigger Conditions
Turn Garage Lights (G2) OFF
Turn ALL UNITS OFF (K) in the Kitchen
Turn ALL UNITS OFF (B) in the Bed&Bath Rooms
Turn Front Porch Lights (O1) OFF
Wait 5 Seconds
Turn Sensor Manual (M9) OFF
(Porch lights off and sensor manual off cause the porch lights to flash off, and return to normal nighttime operation,
providing a visual confirmation that the macro has been performed...before I drive away)
Macro 4 (Away Daytime) Trigger Conditions F2 Off and
Flag Status Off – 1
End Trigger Conditions
Turn ALL Units OFF (D) in the Den
Turn ALL UNITS OFF (K) in the Kitchen
Turn ALL UNITS OFF (B) in the Bed&Bath Rooms
Macro 5 (Arriving at Night) Trigger Conditions F2 On and
Flag Status On -1
End Trigger Conditions
Turn Den Table (D1) ON
That's it. Much simplier and it works like a champ.