ActiveHome Pro (AHP)
The software for the CM15A
AHCMD is a commandline console program found in the AHP SDK. it was added to the SDK as an example.
AHCMD does have it's drawbacks especialy handling multiple commands like Allons or alloffs.

for the on/off from the mt12 the module respond well so it may not be that old if i understood well
from vb6 ai send the command sendplc a AllLightsOn that work fine for lm15 and lm465
still from vb6 i send command sendplc a AllLightsOff and only the lm15 respond
from mt12a both command work find on both module
thanks again
I think you may be confusing two different commands. The MT12A has a button for "AllOff", AKA "AllUnitsOff", which turns off both Lamp and Appliance modules.
The "AllLightsOff" is a valid but different X10 command intended to turn off only Lamp modules. To my knowledge it has never been implemented in a push-button controller or remote, or an X10-written GUI interface, however it can be transmitted using the ahcmd from the SDK.
In any event, many X10 lamp modules don't respond to AllLightsOff. X-10's designs are annoyingly inconsistent. The older (pre-2007) LM465 does not respond to it while the redesigned (2007) LM465 does. The 0lder (pre-2007) WS467 Wall Switch does respond to it while the redesigned (2007) WS467 doesn't.
Brian H reports that there is yet another more recent (2009) version of the LM465. Whether or not this version responds to AllLightsOff remains to be determined.