my $.02
One of the “wishlist” items is for the DS7000 to “talk” to AHP – it doesn’t.
To circumvent what’s lacking, and because my soldering skills aren’t that great, I do 4 things.
(1) Using the On-Alert module with AHP, I listen for security remotes to Arm & DisArm. I have a simple nightlight plugged into an appliance module that via macros lights when AHP thinks the system is ARMed, and is not lit when DisArmed. Various timed macros reset that light periodically when they fire.
(2) I have another simple nightlight plugged into a SuperSocket that is addressed to the DS7000’s security light HC/UC so that it flashes on & off when I arm the DS7000. As everyone knows, the on-off security light flash from the DS7000 that indicates the system received the signal and actually armed – does not always happen – even though the DS7000 did in fact arm.
So even if AHP received the signal, and believes the alarm system is armed, if the DS7000 didn’t actually arm (for lots of reasons) – you really can’t be sure. Conversely, if the DS7000 did arm, but AHP did not register the remote’s arming RF, while the DS7000 may be armed, AHP might not think so.
Either Puck or Tuicemen hardwired a light from their DS7000 to a panel by their garage giving an accurate indication of the armed status of their system.
When I exit my house and press the ARM button on my KR10A, I get the On-Off flash of the SuperSocket’s nightlight (mounted on my porch) from the DS7000, and I get the Appliance Module-connected night light “on” (mounted in a porch window) indicating AHP knows the system is armed. By the time I get to the garage, I also have an email on my BlackBerry confirming AHP’s armed status.
(3) That email also contains a snapshot of the DS7000 showing me its Armed light is lit. Yes, I have a camera mounted in the closet with the DS7000. I can email my home and get that snapshot returned usually within 7 minutes. It’s very comforting. (If I have access to a PC, I can get a live shot of my DS7000 from that camera.)
(4) Because no one else living at my address has the patience to listen for the dings, and watch the lights, I also have a KR10A wired to 2 universal modules – so by email I can Arm & DisArm both the DS7000 and AHP.