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Author Topic: 2 CM-15A's, should one be cleared?  (Read 10186 times)


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2 CM-15A's, should one be cleared?
« on: April 17, 2010, 09:34:59 PM »

Hey again-

So I have macros that work, as well as timers.  I am also running 2 wireless cams, and am constantly in a battle between reception of RF for modules and cameras.  I've been using my newer CM15 (with antenna mod) as a 'master', since it's hooked up to my PC for Onalert and Iwatchout.  I've plugged in my 'old' CM15 (witn no antenna mod, so essentially no antenna! ) across the house to relay powerline commands. 
My question is- should I wipe the memory of that old CM15 so that there's no chance of timers and macros fighting with each other, especially once I start modifying timers that were shared when they were sync'ed originally but will eventually be updated on the 'new' unit attached to the PC? 
I assume that the old one will simply relay powerline commands from the new one on the other end of the house, so there's no need to go plugging them both in and updating timers and macros every time I make a change, right?

Dan Lawrence

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Re: 2 CM-15A's, should one be cleared?
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2010, 10:09:46 PM »

NO.  2 CM15A's WILL NOT talk to each other.   The CM15a is designed to work only with AHP which sends the timers and macros to it, the CM15A sends the signals to the various modules.
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Re: 2 CM-15A's, should one be cleared?
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2010, 11:56:58 PM »

NO.  2 CM15A's WILL NOT talk to each other.

Two CM15As cannot communicate directly with each other, but they can communicate with each other via macro triggers.

Here are some suggestions I posted awhile ago: Re: Suggestions on how to utilize two CM15A's with AHP?


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Re: 2 CM-15A's, should one be cleared?
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2010, 12:42:05 AM »

That's odd that they shouldn't be able to talk to each other.  I have my PC on one end of the house, and the garage on the other.  My carriage lights on the garage won't turn on if I trigger them from the PC/CM-15, but if I plug in my 'old' CM-15 in the garage and trigger them from the PC, the lights do go on.  I haven't loaded the macro that uses the lights, so I assumed the command was received and repeated or maybe the status of the switch was checked. 
More testing will follow, I'll let you know the results...
They're both configured to not transceive any of the RF codes that my other units are using, if that helps to know...

dave w

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Re: 2 CM-15A's, should one be cleared?
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2010, 04:58:54 PM »

I haven't loaded the macro that uses the lights, so I assumed the command was received and repeated or maybe the status of the switch was checked. 
Don't think either of those happened from the garage CM15A. The CM15 does not repeat commands and X10 switches do not transmit status, so the garage mounted CM15 would not know if the lights were on or off. Are you sure the garage CM15A is not turning on the lights from internal macro. The CM15A will maintain macro progamming in non volitle memory which does not depend on line power or batteries, you have to "clear memory" via AHP or load new macros.
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