Will the CM11A work with a serial - USB adapter you think?
Mine did not - it didn't work with the cheapo CH341/Prolific chip based cable I bought.
The adapter is fine - as it drives my old Garmin GPS unit. The CM11A probably wants to see more than the TX/RX and ground pins live.
Supposedly some of the better adapters (Keyspan ? ? ?) do a better job.
I hadn't heard of the Sheeva plug - it's cool!
My Home Auto PC is currently a $20 laptop, from 1999, that I bought last year.
It was running XP - but the hard disk just starting showing more and more errors.
Just today, I pulled the hard drive out - and stuck in a $2.00 PATA/Compact Flash adapter from eBay and a $20 8GB Compact Flash Type I card.
I'm loading Ubuntu server as I type.
I'm curious to see how well 9.1 runs on a 450MHz PIII with 288MB of RAM.
It's weird - with that poor man's SSD as the boot disk - the laptop is completely silent!