I would guess any X10 module on the House Code and Unit code would go on then off.
Lights would flash from the All Lights On and All Units Off.
I thought that all X-10 modules worked like this also however the Appliance Module AM466 wil only come one for a second the goes off and stays off.
I guess this is a sfaety feacture so that coffe pot,space heater and such do not get turned on during an alarm trip and become a possible fire hazard.
I have 6ea. AM466 units which I will be fiinding other useages for. I plan on moding a couple to be used as main power controllers for out buildings so when I forget to turns of the lights or a thunder storm causes the motion security lights to keep tripping ( not X-10 ones) I can kill the power from inside the house. My garage and out buildings are on a sperate power panel from the house.