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Author Topic: How can I put a better antenna on my VR31A?  (Read 31411 times)


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Re: How can I put a better antenna on my VR31A?
« Reply #15 on: April 25, 2010, 10:37:05 PM »

Ok, I just moved my lamps to A5 and now all cameras are in A1 to A4.

This has solved a troubling thing as to why when I switched a lamp on or off it screwed up the cameras ;-)

Thanks for the help .... now if I can just get a omni antenna so I can see all the cameras at the same signal strength.

You have been a big HELP ;-)


Does this mean that cameras must be on separate house code or can they be intermixed with other modules?

They can be on the same House code! I still have a PalmPad remote in a drawer... just full of devices and cameras. It can be convienent to "use up" most unit address of a House code.

But it is best to keep the cameras seperate in their "group of four". Groups of four are: Units 1-4, 5-8, 9-12, and 13-16. In your setup... you've placed lamps in your group of four. It would be BEST to keep the cameras in A1 through A4... and put the lamps on A5. If you have a device in your group of four (like a lamp) turning ot on... will turn any camera OFF.

HA Dave

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Re: How can I put a better antenna on my VR31A?
« Reply #16 on: April 25, 2010, 11:01:10 PM »

.... now if I can just get a omni antenna so I can see all the cameras at the same signal strength.

There is a couple threads that deal with that.... look here.
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Re: How can I put a better antenna on my VR31A?
« Reply #17 on: May 01, 2010, 06:59:54 PM »

A update on my X10 problems.
I divided my problems into 2 areas.

RF and video
(will deal with this later and get a better antenna)

Power line noise and "signal suckers"
My efforts paid off in this area ;-)
I put a tuned phase coupler at the service entrance box.
Put the CM15A up on a high shelf in my office.
Located the DS7000 to a more central location.
Checked every room/outlet for module control and found that I have GREAT range 50-100 feet.
I can even get results from my shop which is about 100 feet (if I stand in the doorway.)
BUT my big problem comes from my TV/entertainment center.
My Apple TV box and VCR seems to suck all the signal. I have to get close to the antenna to get the modules to work.
When I turn off the power strip to the TV center, all problems seem to be gone.
I don't know if it is adding noise or sucking the signal.
Do you think that adding a filter before the power strip would solve this issue?
If so is the X10 filter OK to use or do you have other ideas?

I'm almost ready to "NOT THROW OUT THE X10 STUFF"  ;-)

Thanks for your help.
Chuck ...  Chico, CA


Brian H

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Re: How can I put a better antenna on my VR31A?
« Reply #18 on: May 01, 2010, 07:12:28 PM »

I would definitely try a filter on the surge strip to the entertainment center.

The X10Pro XPPF is five amps but if you push it too close to five amps it gets warm and can smell hot.

I have used the five and ten amp Smarthome FilterLincs with good results. I believe the five amp is now discontinued. I have a ten amp one on my APC BX1000 UPS to eliminate its internal filters from absorbing X10 and Insteon signals.
ACTs AF120 fifteen amp filter has also been used by many with good results.


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Re: How can I put a better antenna on my VR31A?
« Reply #19 on: May 01, 2010, 07:17:20 PM »

I would definitely try a filter on the surge strip to the entertainment center.

The X10Pro XPPF is five amps but if you push it too close to five amps it gets warm and can smell hot.

I have used the five and ten amp Smarthome FilterLincs with good results. I believe the five amp is now discontinued. I have a ten amp one on my APC BX1000 UPS to eliminate its internal filters from absorbing X10 and Insteon signals.
ACTs AF120 fifteen amp filter has also been used by many with good results.

I just measured the TOTAL power draw and it is about 290 watts or about 2.5 amps.
So I'm assuming the 5 Amp unit would work OK  .. Right?



Brian H

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Re: How can I put a better antenna on my VR31A?
« Reply #20 on: May 01, 2010, 07:55:56 PM »

The XPPF should be fine as long as the 290 watts was the total.
Yes I also got roughly 2.5 amps.
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