The CM15A is capable of sending an X10 Status Request. I have no idea on how to do it with Ubuntu or any Linux based system.
I know AHP; when I specified a AM14A two way module. The Icon for that module had a status button to send the request.
Your second problem is going to be finding two way modules. The X10 ones where discontinued a long time ago and I don't believe there was ever a two way X10 wall switch.
There are other brands of switches and module that can have an X10 address in them. The Smarthome Icon and Insteon modules are two way and respond to a status request, but there is a reporting difference. They report a %DIM message that at least AHP does not understand. Again what Linux software can do maybe different. Also compaired to X10 modules you will have Sticker Shock at the cost of Insteon and Icon modules.
Note that the Poll button on the AM14A icon sends an Extended_Status_Request, not a standard Status_Request. (And unless they've fixed it, AHP screws up the Extended_Status_Ack, at least in the Monitor window.)
I don't know whether Neil Cherry's CM15A driver for Linux has implemented the whole suite of X10 PLC commands or just the usual On/Off/Dim/Bright, or whether it reports received PLC signals back to the computer.
There's a Windows emulation software for Linux named WINE which may or may not work with AHP or the SDK. If not, the OP would probably have to install a copy of Windows in a virtual box on his Ubuntu system (with Xen or VMware) and use the SDK ahcmd.exe command to send the Status_Request or other X10 command.
If the OP is in Europe, Marmitek sells what they call MicroModules which supposedly respond to Status_Request.
Instead of using the CM15, if the OP can acquire a CM11 interface there exists Linux software (.e.g., HEYU) which fully supports all X10 commands.