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Author Topic: Facial Recognition  (Read 16227 times)


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Facial Recognition
« on: July 01, 2010, 07:58:48 PM »

This is more of a programing idea I guess you could say, but I'm not sure where else to put the thread. The idea would be to have a camera at your front door or even eye level near the door and incorporate some form of facial recognition software to turn on when it detects motion. This would allow two things, one easy automation of deadbolts and or alarm systems. Obviously this would be a very high risk, giving someone who looks like you would be able to unlock your door by just walking up. But on a more social aspect of it, it could alert you of friends arriving and announcing them over your speaker system in your home. This could allow you to unlock a door for them if you are all the way across the house using voice commands and/or remote deadbolts. Obviously this person would have had to been there before, or I'm not sure if you could base the facial recognition off of a photograph. The idea came from the announcements of telephone callers over speakers systems. With the price of facial recognition software coming down in price drastically (Google's Picasa, Xbox 360's Kinect, ect) and the versatility of Mister House and other X10 controlled software, this seems do-able. I'm not sure if I'm just dreaming at this point, or if this is actually something that could be done. Any ideas would be great.

HA Dave

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Re: Facial Recognition
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2010, 09:16:22 PM »

The idea would be to have a camera at your front door or even eye level near the door and incorporate some form of facial recognition software to turn on when it detects motion...............   I'm not sure if I'm just dreaming at this point, or if this is actually something that could be done.

Face recognition software running on my Home Automation Computer. Be still my heart. I love the idea.

I am already running a HA PC (running 24/7) With AHP [the whole suite] and Bills Voice Commander I even have BlueWatch which could add extra security to Face Recon (it detects my cell phone).

facial recognition could add a LOT to a HA setup.
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Re: Facial Recognition
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2010, 09:37:56 PM »

At that point you could even almost configure your HA to have different profiles. Say you have a certain routine when you come home, but that routine is completely different than your wife's. If you walked in the door it could read your sports scores, your personal email, fantasy sports standing ect. But the same system could read top tabloid posts, what time her favorite tv show's come on, ect. You could even set it up for your kids getting home from school (chores, to do list, homework, ect). After the facial recognition was implemented into your HA, the back end programing wouldn't be that difficult to set two different profiles. You could possibly even set it up to do a joint profile if it recognized both of your faces walking up. I could see unlimited possibilities in implementing it into an HA system.


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Re: Facial Recognition
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2010, 10:14:59 PM »

This is kinda along the lines of a project I started last year.  Basically, I plan to mount two APC biopod fingerprint scanners in leiu of my doorbells (USB extenders).  If the print is recognized, access is granted, if not, it rings the bell.

Darn thing is that I can't track down the SDK on these things (yes I've emailed Greg Fournier).

not to hijack this thread, but anyone got the SDK?
Remote control is cool,

but automation rules!


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Re: Facial Recognition
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2010, 01:00:44 PM »

If facial recognition never happened (how about we simply hope for a working AHP update?), you could do something similar with RFID tags. 
You walk up to the door, receiver picks up YOU, does one thing.
Wife does something different, ditto on the kids.
Heck, you could strap one to the CAT and have it hit the mag release on his door so the raccoons don't get in!

Unidentified walks up - no signal, cameras start recording, doors all power lock (etc etc).

tom j

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Re: Facial Recognition
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2010, 06:01:46 PM »

The idea would be to have a camera at your front door or even eye level near the door and incorporate some form of facial recognition software to turn on when it detects motion...............   I'm not sure if I'm just dreaming at this point, or if this is actually something that could be done.

Face recognition software running on my Home Automation Computer. Be still my heart. I love the idea.

I am already running a HA PC (running 24/7) With AHP [the whole suite] and Bills Voice Commander I even have BlueWatch which could add extra security to Face Recon (it detects my cell phone).

facial recognition could add a LOT to a HA setup.

Say Bill give me the low down on Blue Watch. Thanks

Tom j.

HA Dave

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Re: Facial Recognition
« Reply #6 on: August 02, 2010, 08:55:30 PM »

Say Bill give me the low down on Blue Watch. Thanks

Tom j.

tom j..... Bill didn't create BlueWatch. Tuicemen wrote that program. More can be found here:
or at my Fan Site:

If facial recognition never happened, you could do something similar with RFID tags. 

RFID tags are very doable! Even some L O N G range (battery powered) RFID Tags that would allow for a car to be detected... from 60-100 feet. Only bad part is it is still very much a do-it-yourself project. Many users still prefer Plug-n-Play devises.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2010, 09:03:55 PM by Dave_x10_L »
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