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Author Topic: CM15A RF Mod  (Read 39451 times)


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Re: CM15A RF Mod
« Reply #30 on: June 16, 2012, 10:25:30 PM »

I'm hoping Rabbit is still watching this thread.  I am an IC noob but I am not afraid to heat up the soldering iron.  I picked up an RM1SG off ebay to do this mod.  What I'm confused about is the 3-to-4 pinout.  I'd love to see the backside of this pic.  I see the hole Rabbit drilled for GND, it still easily makes the ground connection on the back.  And no problem for the VCC+ line.  But the two connections for RXD confuse me.  Are you only using one RXD or are they soldered together on the backside?  I'll keep searching in the meantime.   ???

« Last Edit: June 17, 2012, 12:11:12 PM by elmo »

Mr. Jones

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Re: CM15A RF Mod
« Reply #31 on: June 18, 2012, 05:38:18 PM »

I’d like to add that I too had/have RF problem as I explained before and all I did for the short term was, rubber band an 18 inch piece of wire (the diameter of a paper clip) to the right side of my sensors. I also taped an 18 inch piece of wire to my CM-15A antenna. Luckily for me, two of my sensors are in a position where that is applicable. The strange part is, one of my sensors isn’t in a position where I can add a piece of wire that long. So, I cut it right in half and it still seems to work. Maybe this may work for other so I decided to post it.

Yep.  36 inches is a full sine wave and 18" is 1/2 the sine wave and thus a 9 inch wire is 1/4.   I have even tested going as short as 4.5 inches with some luck...   

Ah! thanks so much for the info.


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Re: CM15A RF Mod
« Reply #32 on: June 24, 2012, 01:21:29 PM »

I'm hoping Rabbit is still watching this thread.  I am an IC noob but I am not afraid to heat up the soldering iron.  I picked up an RM1SG off ebay to do this mod.  What I'm confused about is the 3-to-4 pinout.  I'd love to see the backside of this pic.  I see the hole Rabbit drilled for GND, it still easily makes the ground connection on the back.  And no problem for the VCC+ line.  But the two connections for RXD confuse me.  Are you only using one RXD or are they soldered together on the backside?  I'll keep searching in the meantime.   ???

The first two pin line up correctly, +V & RF.    The third pin is not used (RF2).  In Rabbits, mod he drilled out the hole, but really all you need to do is fold the pin up and out of the way (or cut it off completely.).   

The fourth pin just needs to be bent in a little to fit into the GND hole.   

If I get a chance, I will crack open my cm15a again and take pictures.  You don't need to drill any holes, just fold the third pin out of the way and it works fine.

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