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Author Topic: Ph-508-PS h01  (Read 10518 times)


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Ph-508-PS h01
« on: September 10, 2010, 05:40:11 PM »

I am having problems with my powerhorn. It runs on a DS 7000 console and it doesn't signal when tripped. It just makes a funny noise and doesn't give off the 110 db tone that it is suppose to. I ordered a new one thinking that the powerhorn was faulty but the new one does it also. Any suggestions?


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Re: Ph-508-PS h01
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2010, 05:59:32 PM »

these power horns require an "on-off, on-off, on-off, ...etc" to continue to sound off.

If they are on different phases, or there is noise or other such things the powerhorn may not receive all those on's and off's

Brian H

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Re: Ph-508-PS h01
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2010, 06:49:50 PM »

As Brandt pointed out. It needs a one second interval cycle of On and Off command to its House and Unit code address.
Also can be a cycle of All Lights On, All Units Off to its House Code. The rarely used All Lights Off also will work for the off command.
It takes about two cycles for it to start and then sounds as long as the cycle is present or until four minutes elapses.

Can you set it to one of the addresses the Security Remotes X10 buttons controls. Then send a one second interval sequence of On and Off commands to that address. That should also trigger the siren.

Now this is from an older Date Code Siren. If X10 changed someting recently it could be different now.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2010, 06:52:00 PM by Brian H »


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Re: Ph-508-PS h01
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2010, 03:09:18 PM »

I too am having trouble with my new PH508.  I have my DS7000 set to A8, several cameras on A1-A7 scattered all throughout my first floor, and they work w/o any trouble.  I set my PH508 to an unused code:  A13 presently, (I've tried numerous others) and when I trip my alarm, it never goes off.  I took the advice of another poster, and used one of my palm pad remotes set to the same house code and used the ON, OFF repeatedly there and it WILL trigger the PH508 that way, but NO OTHER WAY.  Now...if my Palm Pad can reach my communicate all the way from the second floor to my PC and the USB module CM19A can record it (as evident by the activity log) and it can then send the codes through the wiring to trigger the PH508 in THIS manner, then why oh why, can't the alarm panel itself trigger the PH508?  Doesn't make sense.  I've tried plugging it in several outlets and no go with the alarm triggering it.  But using the Palm Pad remote will work everywhere I've tried so far.  Doesn't make sense that the Palm Pad's alternating sequences are getting through and the PH508 responds to it, but not from any the Alarm (DS7000) is sending.  Perhaps the DS7000 isnt sending them?  Is there something specific I might need to do to the DS7000 to get it to trigger the PH508?

On a good note, my wall switches came today too, and they are working perfectly.  I can macro them to turn on exterior lights when motion is detected and record video...just so funny that everything else is apparently communicating well enough to work, but can't get the PH508 to work.

Please help!  :)


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Re: Ph-508-PS h01
« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2010, 03:28:33 PM »

1. Are you using any transceiver such as TM751, RR501, etc?
If so, the signal from the Palm Pad could be getting to the Power Horn through the extra tranceiver not the DS7000 and that would indicate a noise or phase coupling issue between the DS7000 and the Power Horn.

Try plugging the Power Horn in same outlet as the DS7000, does it work then?

You can search the forum for those terms and/or go here
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Re: Ph-508-PS h01
« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2010, 04:38:01 PM »

u can also verify the ds7000 is sending the on/offs by putting a lite module and lite on the ds7000 code and watch it;  my ds7000 blinks a lite in the house when triggered in addition to the phorns.....  (but make sure it is not a softstart lite module as it wont respond to these quick 1 sec on/offs).

if no go, do plug into same outlet as ds7000 to make sure not a phase/noise issue as others have said...


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Re: Ph-508-PS h01
« Reply #6 on: November 20, 2010, 05:16:49 PM »

The Siren has to be put on the same House Code and Unit Code as the Security Console.
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Re: Ph-508-PS h01
« Reply #7 on: November 20, 2010, 05:52:31 PM »

The Siren has to be put on the same House Code and Unit Code as the Security Console.
Well not according to the PH508 and PHS02 instructions.   ???

"Excites with Continuous ALL Lights ON/ALL Units OFF cycle (4 cycles minimum), 4 Second delay on startup and shutdown."
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Re: Ph-508-PS h01
« Reply #8 on: November 20, 2010, 06:00:47 PM »

Only the same House Code is needed.
The All Lights On and All Units off string should trigger it.
You can also send an on and off cycle to the specific address it is set to and trigger it.

Trying a remote sending the On and Off codes or the All Lights On All Units off {some X10 remotes do have those all function buttons} at a one second cycle should trigger it. If it does and the Security Console does not. The signal maybe getting lost or the new consoles have a problem. Chirping can indicate the cycle of codes is too slow. I found with my older powerhorns two seconds between commands was very marginal.

Now the disclaimer.  ;D X10 has been redesigning modules and consoles the last few years. So things maybe different now from what mine do. Like the LM465 Soft Start versions. That act differently and the earlier ones did not work correctly with Security Consoles in the panic mode flashing. That later one where again corrected.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2010, 06:10:40 PM by Brian H »


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Re: Ph-508-PS h01
« Reply #9 on: November 21, 2010, 05:09:17 PM » luck.  I tried plugging the DS7000 and the PH508 into the same outlet with no luck.  I moved them both around to several different outlets that I know are on different circuits and still no luck.  Thank god the batter backup works on the DS7000, I'd hate to have to reinstall all my sensors every time I moved the console!

Dave W:  Yes...I am using a couple TM751...these are for my AHP to control cameras that get triggered from tripping motion detectors, and for turning some lightswitch modules ON so I have power to my outdoor camera to record from my two exterior cams.  All this is working fine.

I've tried the all lights on/off toggle from the main remote (SH624) and it wont respond to those...only when I use a palm pad specifically to the house/unit code.

My AHP Log show when I press the buttons on my SH624 (Security Light-On, Security Light-Off), so I know the remote is sending the lights on/off in alteration as I am pressing them.  The log also shows that it recording the RF reception of my setting the alarm from the remote...then when I trigger a MD to set off teh alarm, it also prints that to the log and the alarm sounds...but the PH508 never goes off...I dont see any sort of ON/OFF cycles in the log...should it be recording this off/on cycle that the DS7000 is supposed to be emitting that will trigger the PH508?

Thanks guys!

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Re: Ph-508-PS h01
« Reply #10 on: November 21, 2010, 05:19:11 PM »

I dont see any sort of ON/OFF cycles in the log...should it be recording this off/on cycle that the DS7000 is supposed to be emitting that will trigger the PH508?
Yes you should see the cycle in the activity log, IF the PLC signal is getting from the DS7000 to the CM15A, and not getting stopped by phase coupling or noise issues.
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Re: Ph-508-PS h01
« Reply #11 on: November 21, 2010, 05:54:21 PM »

Do you have a lamp module on the same House Code as the Security Console is on?
It should flash on an alarm and the powerhorn should sound in about four flashes of the lamp module.

Does the AHP log show the House code and the all lights command?
Like BAll Lights On and BAll Lights Off?


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Re: Ph-508-PS h01
« Reply #12 on: November 22, 2010, 12:22:28 PM »

Dave W:  The DS7000 and the CM19 (I have the USB CM19 not CM15, if that matters any) are only about 4 feet apart.  Does the PH508 receive its signal via RF or powerline?  I thought the DS7000 itself was a transmitter, similar infunctionality as the TM751?  Just really, really confused how they could both be plugged into the same outlet and it still not work.  Particularly when all other cameras and whatnot work fine...line noise or phase coupling dont prevent them from working. 

Brian H:  I haven't tested a lamp module yet...I dont use many table lamps...but I can grab one from a bedroom and bring it down to the first floor (where all the hardware is) and see how it performs.  My guess is that I'll be able to remote the lamp via AHP but not have it respond to the alarm being triggered. 

On the second part of your response you ask about the log showing the HC and the All Lights on/off command.  Are you asking about one being present in the log from a remote (Say the SH624) or from the DS7000 once an alarm triggers? 

I'm at work now, won't be able to test anything till later this evening, but I'll try the lamp module when I get home.

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Re: Ph-508-PS h01
« Reply #13 on: November 22, 2010, 02:00:00 PM »

Dave W:  The DS7000 and the CM19 (I have the USB CM19 not CM15, if that matters any) are only about 4 feet apart.  Does the PH508 receive its signal via RF or powerline?  I thought the DS7000 itself was a transmitter, similar infunctionality as the TM751?  Just really, really confused how they could both be plugged into the same outlet and it still not work.  Particularly when all other cameras and whatnot work fine...line noise or phase coupling dont prevent them from working. 

PH508 is PLC only. So the command comes from the DS7000 over the powerline. The CM19 transmits and receives only RF commands. (you need the CM15A to transmit or receive PLC and have logging of PLC). So your Activity Monitor will not show any PLC codes coming from the DS7000. The CM19 is an AHP entry level product and (IMHO) produces a really cripled system.

If the DS7000 and the PH508 is plugged in same outlet (not the one that a computer or a UPS is using as they are noise generaters and signal suckers) the PH508 absolutey should sound when the DS7000 alarms.
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