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Author Topic: New iWatchmobile Release! Version 294  (Read 91039 times)


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Re: New iWatchmobile Release! Version 294
« Reply #30 on: October 31, 2010, 08:10:56 PM »

Using    http://my external ip:8777/iwatchpro     that use to work fine with iWatchMobile V3.285.

Will your internal IP for the system running AHP work?

Does your router act as a DHCP server?
This would change your internal IP each time the system is restarted and could cause any port forwarding to stop working if setup with a previous IP.

If using your external IP and your ISP issues you a dynamic IP, this will also cause the setup to stop working unless you are using the current IP or using a DynDNS service which resolves your current IP to a domain name.

J.B. Sun 8:10 edt
No the AHP PC's internal ip does not work either from another PC on my home network.
I check my router assigned DHCP often and it has not changed for two+ months. Same with my external ip. Remember I had everything working excellent on WiFi and 3G with port forwarding using the old iwatchmobile V3.285 until this Pro upgrade.

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Re: New iWatchmobile Release! Version 294
« Reply #31 on: October 31, 2010, 11:58:00 PM »

No the AHP PC's internal ip does not work either from another PC on my home network.
I check my router assigned DHCP often and it has not changed for two+ months. Same with my external ip. Remember I had everything working excellent on WiFi and 3G with port forwarding using the old iwatchmobile V3.285 until this Pro upgrade.
I think you have to be getting close to solving the problem.  You have iWatch PRO working on your AHP system, so everything is in order there.  You have your iPhone receiving a 500 error message from the system, so it seems like you're making a connection.  I don't know why you're not getting a more descriptive error.  My first guess at this point is that you have 'Use Wi-Fi Security' checked in your Invite Cell Phone dialog and you're using a URL without the security key.  If so, try unchecking that box and refreshing your iPhone's browser.

Also, try 'http://my external ip:8777/iwatch' instead of 'http://my external ip:8777/iwatchpro'.

The next thing I would check is making sure you can access the Invite Cell Phone dialog for both iWatchMobile and iWatchMobile PRO.  This is just to check that both are registered.

And last, and this is a long shot, check that the file version for c:\program files\common files\x10\common\x10net.dll.  It should be release 294.  Check that the c:\program files\common files\x10\common\WebApps folder is present and contains xphone.html and xphonepro.html.


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Re: New iWatchmobile Release! Version 294
« Reply #32 on: November 02, 2010, 08:31:21 PM »

No the AHP PC's internal ip does not work either from another PC on my home network.
I check my router assigned DHCP often and it has not changed for two+ months. Same with my external ip. Remember I had everything working excellent on WiFi and 3G with port forwarding using the old iwatchmobile V3.285 until this Pro upgrade.
I think you have to be getting close to solving the problem.  You have iWatch PRO working on your AHP system, so everything is in order there.  You have your iPhone receiving a 500 error message from the system, so it seems like you're making a connection.  I don't know why you're not getting a more descriptive error.  My first guess at this point is that you have 'Use Wi-Fi Security' checked in your Invite Cell Phone dialog and you're using a URL without the security key.  If so, try unchecking that box and refreshing your iPhone's browser.

Also, try 'http://my external ip:8777/iwatch' instead of 'http://my external ip:8777/iwatchpro'.

The next thing I would check is making sure you can access the Invite Cell Phone dialog for both iWatchMobile and iWatchMobile PRO.  This is just to check that both are registered.

And last, and this is a long shot, check that the file version for c:\program files\common files\x10\common\x10net.dll.  It should be release 294.  Check that the c:\program files\common files\x10\common\WebApps folder is present and contains xphone.html and xphonepro.html.

Finally got iWatchPro working on my iPhone4 and it sure is cool. I love impressing all my tech buddies.
What worked was your suggestion changing only the ip address in the emailed URL I received when inviting my cell. I changed it to my external ip.  http:// ext ip :8777/iwatchpo?Xid=????????????????
I sure wish there had been some instructions telling me to do that in the beginning. I might have a little more hair left of what little I have left. It makes sense now that I see it.
And the best part is it not only works on WiFi now but also works great on 3G without changing the URL address at all I guess because I still have port forwarding enabled, not sure.
The 3G URL sent to me after a cell invite kept giving me an error “Cant Connect to Server” it was  Thanks Again.  #:) >!


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Re: New iWatchmobile Release! Version 294
« Reply #33 on: November 15, 2010, 04:28:53 PM »

The 3G URL sent to me after a cell invite kept giving me an error “Cant Connect to Server”
Is your PC on, awake, and running ActiveHome Pro when you try the 3G link?  Does restarting your x10net service or changing your security code have any effect on this?


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Re: New iWatchmobile Release! Version 294
« Reply #34 on: December 21, 2010, 01:25:01 AM »

Hey i seen a dev in here or at least someone more knowledgable in x10 than i.. ok heres my thing i have active home pro.. all plugins (pro, my house, onalert, smartmacos) i recently decided to upgrade to iwatchout pro with a free cam n reciever plus i watchout for 6500 dollars flat... good deal btw... ok everything works fine i can load iwatch from any computer using my ip (dyndns) and 8777 whatever.... even though i have pro version it doesnt work correctly... i would like to utilize pro version becuz it has cam presets and like 4 more options than the regular version... but it doesnt looad on my phone right.. (samsung moment -- android) it does work on my computer tho... so heres my question how do i get pix to load faster on iwatch (thier kindda slow) nd also did i need to download both versions of iwatchmobile (reg n pro (read sumthen about it) Like i said everything works fine except i cant utilize pro version on my cell and the refresh rate...

just to clarify pro version takes way longer to load and i cant choose my camera, thats why i dont use it...


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Re: New iWatchmobile Release! Version 294
« Reply #35 on: December 21, 2010, 02:31:26 PM »

You do not need to install the regular version of iWatchMobile to use iWatchMobilePRO.  The iWatchMobilePRO installer should install everything you need to use the plug in with ActiveHome PRO.

How exactly does it not load right?  Is the only problem that it takes a long time to load?  how is your phone connected to the internet?  3G?  802.11b?

The frame rate of the video is primarily determined by your network bandwidth between your mobile device and your ActiveHome PRO computer.  It will request the next frame of video as soon as the current frame is loaded and displayed.  There is some abort on timeout logic with an attempt to restore the video feed as well, which may be tripping up your feed if you are on an extremely slow connection.  Even this should back off the timeout limit until it is consistently loading frames, so should only affect it briefly.


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Re: New iWatchmobile Release! Version 294
« Reply #36 on: December 21, 2010, 03:03:30 PM »

lol i thot i was speaken as clear as possible... ok i am usen my phones mobile internet (not 3g) but it is a android smartphone that is usally fast,.. as stated above I tried both logging inthrew x10 servers (pro only) n when i noticed it was slow i tried the alternate port forwading (kinda knowledgable on port forwarding) ok so i now have the option to use both x10 servers and my own server... both seem very slow and can be as much as 1 minute off from real time but it seems that the regular version accessed threw port forwarding is more realibe efficent but i plan to upgrade to ninjas so i wanna be able to move them around eventually ie presets (only available threw pro) idk whats the problem but can u please optimize the performance for my pro version or anything??


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Re: New iWatchmobile Release! Version 294
« Reply #37 on: December 21, 2010, 04:53:08 PM »

If I am understanding correctly you are on a 2nd generation (2G) cellular data signal.  That is why everything is slow.  That generation signal doesn't have the bandwidth push frames as fast as you would like.

As far as optimizing performance, a lot of effort has already gone into that.  For the foreseeable future it is about as optimized as it is going to get.

If you are not afraid to get your hands dirty editing HTML, you can turn down the resolution of the camera images transmitted.  This will decrease image quality but increase frame rate.

To do this go to C:\Program Files\Common Files\X10\common\WebApps\ and open the XPhonePRO.html file in your favorite html editor.  Change line 11 videoScale to 2.0.  Now load iWatchMobile PRO on your phone again.  You should see a big difference in image quality since u just divided the number of pixels in a frame in half.  You can play around with different values until you are happy with the result.
Code: [Select]
var videoScale = 1.0;  // Set to 1 for full-resolution, or >1 to divide by scale (e.g., 2 is half resolution)


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Re: New iWatchmobile Release! Version 294
« Reply #38 on: December 22, 2010, 06:39:43 AM »

This sounds like a good solution and not that hard.. i do not however have much knowldge about hmtl only as far as changing fonts on myspace hahaha lol... ummI wud like to try it however... but i just want to know one thing.. is it going to change the resolution of the camera on iwatchout as a whole or just for the  iwatchout mobile app?? thanx for your help...


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Re: New iWatchmobile Release! Version 294
« Reply #39 on: December 22, 2010, 01:31:27 PM »

This will only affect the iWatchMobilePRO application.  There is a similar parameter at the top of XPhone.html which will affect the regular iWatchMobile application.  Neither of these values has any effect on the ActiveHome PRO system itself, only the images sent to the mobile applications are affected.  ActiveHome PRO's iWatchOut plugin always captures images at the same resolution as you configure in ActiveHome.


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Re: New iWatchmobile Release! Version 294
« Reply #40 on: December 23, 2010, 09:57:29 AM »

thank you so much for you help one more thing... do u know a trustable free html editor TY


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Re: New iWatchmobile Release! Version 294
« Reply #41 on: December 23, 2010, 10:39:24 AM »

I do! Notepad! (Or if you really wanted to, you could go download Notepad++).
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Re: New iWatchmobile Release! Version 294
« Reply #42 on: December 23, 2010, 02:02:50 PM »

Any text editor should work, especially since you likely won't be doing any heavy lifting in the code :)

I personally use Visual Studio if I'm on one of the computers with a licence, or Notepad++ if I am not.


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Re: New iWatchmobile Release! Version 294
« Reply #43 on: January 06, 2011, 12:40:19 PM »

I have been using iwatchmobile pro since it was released.  I am able to view everything perfectly from a pc but when viewing from a cell phone it does not show the still pictures.  This original worked until the second to last release.  I also noticed that the +1 hour and -1 hour buttons are reversed.  Any plans on fixing this and any ideas on what I can look at to see why I can't see stills on cell?  Any advice would be appreciated.  Any files I can edit?  Thanks,


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Re: New iWatchmobile Release! Version 294
« Reply #44 on: January 06, 2011, 01:04:48 PM »

Are you using 294?
Newest release of AHP is 3.301 which updates all plug-ins to that!
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