I'm interested in having remote access ............... to conserve power.
The best way to conserve power is to just turn things off. Automation has many advanages... including being able to conserve energy but with limits.
Yes, the goal is to turn things ofF. x10 allows turning things off conveniently with the use of appliance modules.
It's much easier to send an x10 command to turn on/off the 5-10 transformers in each room, than plug them/unplug them one at a time every time I want to use or stop using them. Timers can help, but I am not on a fixed schedule so I want the ability to remote control.
At 40c/kWH (peak PG&E summer tier - now you can see why I want to save power)
Most of that cost is TAX. Home Automation products do nothing to reduce taxes. Are you wanting to save power... or money?
Actually, that is the cost per kWH before taxes. Taxes are additional. And it doesn't matter since they are proportional to the power usage. If I save power, I save money. So the answer is, I want to save both.
the cost of keeping the PC 24/7 would be prohibitive.
Many low power PC's are available.
Link ? How many watts ? How much space does it need ? Keyboard, mouse, display, etc ?
Even so, I don't want to pay for a Windows license, and for a USB interface that may become obsolete over time when there are no drivers for Windows 8. I feel like a device with an Ethernet plug and web access has longer-term potential. I'm quite set on not using a general-purpose computer for this, I prefer an embedded system.
I'm looking for a device with low power consumption and usable through a web browser, that I can open a port for on my firewall - something that doesn't require a PC to be on, and thus doesn't require a driver. Does x10 make such a device ? If not, what other suitable devices are you using ?
You may want to research Elk [alarm and automation] products.
Thanks, I will.
Please note: Energy costs to the consumer have very little to do with the actual cost of energy. The percentage of the cost as profit to energy suppliers is also very low (as a percentage of investment) as that is also regulated. The outrageous cost of energy today is caused by government regulation. The purpose of the regulation is to inflate energy costs out of reach of most users.
In a environment this hostile to the consumer... there is no actionable resolution.. as far as energy usage.
I'm not looking for a political debate here. It's not in my power as an individual to control the cost of energy, but it is in my power to reduce usage - that is certainly actionable. And I'm looking to x10 to help with that.